Lots of discussion in a previous post about 20 new balls being released, or more likely, which is par for the course this time of year every year.
You have the usual excitement by some along with the usual complaints by others of too many bowling balls etc.
The Ebonite brands only released one mid performance ball per brand along with the color changes to some entry level balls or new entry level balls, and then colors added in the plastic lines. No new releases in the high performance or the upper high performance price points. (assuming the EBI Matrix is a mid performance ball)
Interestingly enough there hasn't been much discussion on the lack of new releases from them or the happiness of it from say pro shops or other consumers.
Curious how many would consider buying one of the current EBI brands balls now for the up coming fall season since you have gone this long not to buy it already?
How many may considered other brands with new releases because of this?