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Author Topic: Toasted Dry Lanes  (Read 1302 times)

Bowlers Alley Nick

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Toasted Dry Lanes
« on: August 20, 2004, 01:55:09 PM »
Ok I am fed up with going to practice at my center and the lanes being totally toasted and not oiled for like 4 days. ITS BULL! League is perfect but it just pisses me off so much. Kills my arm cuz i gotta throw it hard, WTF. I know i need a dry lane ball which im getting but still, WTF why cant they oil the F*CKING LANES?!??! Ever? Ugh.. Im like sick of the BS. Im also kinda pissed cuz i went bowling with my family and my uncle was tormenting me and he knows NOTHING about bowling and i try to explain to him the lanes are toasted, im standing all the way to the left throwing to the first bored and it hooks to the 7 Pin? WHAT AM I SUPPOST TO DO? ugh. Rant! Rant!
The Bowlers Alley
you can roll the dice until they call your bluff
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Re: Toasted Dry Lanes
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2004, 10:09:07 PM »
hmmmmmmm try coming up here to hiway bowl in ontario... often the lanes will be striped for a few hours before league... and will only be oiled once a week before league.

so try bowling with a solid reactive for 6 games on NO OIL before complainiing.

Just adjust brother.
I like it wet...


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Re: Toasted Dry Lanes
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2004, 11:21:59 PM »
so try bowling with a solid reactive for 6 games on NO OIL before complainiing.

Why in the world would anyone do that?  Buy yourself a urethane ball or use a plastic spare ball.  --  JohnP


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Re: Toasted Dry Lanes
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2004, 11:41:11 PM »
I feel your pain Nick.

I can't even practice anymore because one of the centers near me is too cheap to oil unless it is right before league otherwise they don't bother. Another doesn't put enough oil down when they dress the lanes so it doesn't even last for 5 hours.

It doesn't help that the oil machine is f*cked up once again. It's not stripping the outside from the 10 board to the gutter, and the backends are not stripping cleanly either. I'm not sure which is worse, having no oil or having oil not properly laid down leaving one massive hang spot for 45-50 feet.
Somewhere in the far distant future Lane #1's slogan will be..."Lane #1, out-carrying Storm for over 50 years!"

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Re: Toasted Dry Lanes
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2004, 11:50:30 PM »
Spirit I * full speed + low revs / no oil = BIG STRIKE!!!
I like it wet...

channel surfer

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Re: Toasted Dry Lanes
« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2004, 12:10:55 AM »
be like me, white dot up the boards !!
"The more hook the higher your scores right?" - Erik Olsen (hotwire13)

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