Strikeking, I am trying to LEARN!! Where we finish is where we finish and I accept this or I would quit the team. I am the only one out if 6 attempting to LEARN about the game.
Now in saying this, can I borrow your Crying Towel!
Gom, good for you. We should all be trying to improve, no matter what our current state.
My take is that it's mostly the luck of the draw. If teams are bowling well against you, well, it's just because they are. I'm not buying scenarios where you're creating walls the other teams are taking advantage of. Whatever is there is available to everyone.
On a personal note, my team won our league championship a few years back, and we were no better than the middle of the league in team average. It was a combination of winning a lot of close games, and frankly catching a lot of the better teams on off nights. The stars were aligned for us that year. It happens.
Conversely, the opposite is happening to us this year. We're losing too many close games, and we're experience being on the losing end of season high nights by other teams. It happens, and has nothing to do with the conditions. As Jesse James has said, sometimes you're the bug, and sometimes you're the windshield.
Life goes on. It's a bowling lesson you learn over time.