IF...and I say IF they didn't tell the customer they were X-outs, Blems, whatever, then I think they should be run out of town. Let the customer tell anyone and everyone they can about the misrepresentation of the balls they are selling.
A long time ago a business man said....Have one happy customer and they might tell a few friends....BUT, have one unhappy customer and they will tell the world.
In this case, that's what I'd to...tell the world.
Side Note...IF the proposal of USBC comes to pass, no weight holes...pin within 1", I'm not sure if I could buy a blem/X-out without seeing the ball. Some people will tell you it's a color blem, knowing well it's not and that's something I think will happen, if this crap passes, more than some are willing to admit.
I am NOT...NOT pointing any fingers at anyone, just making a statement. I have a friend who buys blems, and as stated above, they work great for him, all I'm saying is there will be some/a few that will sell blems/X-Outs knowing they will not comply with the new rules ( should they become law).
AZ Guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro
www.rlbowlerspro.comSleep is over rated.