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Author Topic: Too many new releases ??? (the good vs the bad)  (Read 4418 times)


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Too many new releases ??? (the good vs the bad)
« on: July 04, 2004, 06:29:56 PM »
When it gets to the point where even I have a hard time keeping them all straight in my mind, I think we definitely have a very serious problem here.

An even more perplexing problem is that even with this tremendous number of new releases the number of seriously good balls, well designed and good working balls is at a highly level than I have seen since resins first came out. Of course, maybe it is easier to recognize their potential these days and there are still a lot of stinkers being released.

I guess part of the problem is our throw-away society and the how well-off a larger percentage of the population is these.  The other part is that for a corporation to succeed they need to constantly discontinue products that do not sell enough and have to invent new (or APPARENTLY new) products that will sell, even if the color is the only change, as we do see with bowling balls.

While reading about a whole new series of balls this morning, I have just about come to the conclusion that one can successfully create an arsenal from just one manufacturer. Previously to this point, I had to believe that people were not getting the best balls for all positions in said arsenal when they restricted themselves to any one manufacturer.

While we will all continue to have our preferences, based mostly on what has worked for us in the past, there are so many good balls in each line-up now, I cannot see any manufacturer not having a wide enough choice of balls, except for Lanemasters (which I cannot recommend) and Morich who is rebuilding its line-up due to a change in coverstock & manufacturer.
"We get old too fast, and too late, smart."

Edited on 7/5/2004 9:26 AM
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


Action Man

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Re: Too many new releases ??? (the good vs the bad)
« Reply #16 on: July 09, 2004, 02:06:05 PM »
Lanemasters just launched 4 new balls so why not recommend them to? They seem to have rounded out there program now too!
The day of reckoning has arrived! People who have done harm to their fellow man must now repent or be destroyed!

Because one of their major new release, The ANswer, was a major flop.
See my comments a little while back, 1-2 months, here in this OTHER forum.
I drilled it one way, then tried 3 different surface preparations, using it on 4-5 different lane surfaces. Then I redrilled it a different way and did the same: different surfaces on different oil patterns.
The ball was of virtually insignificant use and minimal hitting power in every one of its variations.

I have a major letter to write to Lanemasters (this ball came directly from them) documenting all I did. It was a waste of $140 purchase price plue 2 $40 drillings.

I cannot in good conscience recommend any Lanemasters ball no matter how many they market.

"We get old too fast, and too late, smart."

Action Man

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Re: Too many new releases ??? (the good vs the bad)
« Reply #17 on: July 09, 2004, 08:43:15 PM »
Ms. Charlest,

I disagree with your comment about the Lane Masters bowling balls.  I have purchased many of them and have been pleased with their performance.

As to your comments about the Answer bowling ball, I have purchased this ball and have scored very well with the ball.

This ball was given the highest possible rating (4 star) by Bowlers Journal and Bowling this Month magazines.

The disturbing thing about your comments, no matter the subject, is that you write like you know everything about bowling.  After looking at your profile, I suggest you spend less time on the computer and more time practicing.

You can always tell when some one is "winging it" because they get caught making false statements. Give everyone a break, and go to "" and post your comment there!
It is amazing how some people never really gain knowledge of our sport.  They will never be winners or champions because they think they know every thing. If you know everything then you no longer have a willingness to learn and improve your game.


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Re: Too many new releases ??? (the good vs the bad)
« Reply #18 on: July 09, 2004, 09:09:02 PM »
Ms. Charlest,

I disagree with your comment about the Lane Masters bowling balls.  I have purchased many of them and have been pleased with their performance.

As to your comments about the Answer bowling ball, I have purchased this ball and have scored very well with the ball.

Glad you're happy with your version of the ball.


This ball was given the highest possible rating (4 star) by Bowlers Journal and Bowling this Month magazines.

Thus, my eagerness to pay the relatively high price for it and to try it.


The disturbing thing about your comments, no matter the subject, is that you write like you know everything about bowling.  After looking at your profile, I suggest you spend less time on the computer and more time practicing.

Odd statement. As with many others, I give my opinion, based on what I experience and learn, from many sources. If you think otherwise, I am and have always said I open to change my mind about virtually any subject.


You can always tell when some one is "winging it" because they get caught making false statements. Give everyone a break, and go to "" and post your comment there!

Since you obviously do not know me, nor have learned anything about me from my posts, it seems like you really have not learned anything yourself.

This makes me really wonder if actually read all the things I did to that "The Answer" to try to make it work. I can hardly believe you did based on the ludicrous retort you post here.

If you do not wish to read what I write on any subject, please feel free to place me on your ignore list. I will continue to offer what advice I can on the subjects that I feel I know something about. If you disagree, tell me or just post your opinion, but to tell me I know nothing is odd, to say the least, SOLELY because I disagree on one ball with you (and your friends). (FYI, did you see my comment that someone said Lanemasters actually made 3 version of this ball? If that is true and I got one that was different from yours, what would you say then?)
"We get old too fast, and too late, smart."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Too many new releases ??? (the good vs the bad)
« Reply #19 on: July 10, 2004, 04:30:38 PM »

Please be aware, aside from my and Action Man's discussion, that LaneMasters' and AZO balls are very different from one another. I pray that you are not avoiding AZO because of what I said about Lanemaster's The Answer. Also be aware that my ONLY LaneMasters' experience is with The Answer, AND I just may have gotten a lemon.

FWIW AM and I are settling this privately. I hope we can post a resolution to our expressed differences soon.
"We get old too fast, and too late, smart."

Edited on 7/10/2004 4:31 PM

Edited on 7/10/2004 9:28 PM
"None are so blind as those who will not see."

BuddiesProShopcom - Bill

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Re: Too many new releases ??? (the good vs the bad)
« Reply #20 on: July 12, 2004, 05:44:03 PM »
I would just like to say that the AZO brand name is done.  LaneMaster decided to discontinue the AZO brand name and has decide to clear out the remaining bowling balls. These are first quality balls.

I have thrown just about very AZO/Lanemaster ball made and I haven't been disappointed with any of their balls.
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