I saw this on the bowl.com boards. My personal favorite is #4

10) Those shoes that hundreds of people wore before and paying $3.00 for the honor of wearing them.
9) Wondering if someone picked their nose before using that house ball.

Two lane courtesy? Did Miss Manners make that up?
7) Leagues taken over by professional dam builders (people who haul bags of sand).
6) No additional handicap for bowling through that misty haze of cigarette smoke.
5) The need to take out a personal loan to afford a drink at the bar.
4) Bowlers design a "Terror Alert" board describing the lane conditions.
3) The need to take out a second mortgage just to take the family out to bowl.
2) Discovering that cosmic bowling is really not out of this world.
And the number one reason why people are quitting bowling is......
1) It takes a lot of balls to do well in this game.
White Dot
Making life miserable for 10 pins everywhere