Things I notice and should be taken into a effect
The number dropped for motiv after the jackal incident. I bet they lost a good amount of their %. They save good margins old all reusing cores, which is good for their profit margin per ball. Release schedule is very consistent every 90 days, 1-2 balls.
Brunswick/DV8/Radical are constantly in closeout 10:1 compared to storm. Might have best profit margin though being in Mexico. Most balls released per year I feel, it seems there is no stopping their release schedule, even when there is clearance from years back, however they have cleaned this up recently.
Storm/roto are clearly the market leader. They should be selling the most units especially in full price. Unsure in profit margin, but u do see things on backorder which no other companies really have going on. Backorder could be created hype, or just safe inventory planning (which is the smart way to do things in 2018...only make a small batch, if it sells remake it in mass quantities, like a "best seller." Current ball that is in this limbo is the hustle ink, odds are the I are sold through as it's the best selling hustle line ball). Operating with almost Zero clearance keeps your customer paying full price... which helps storm and the distributor probably. They are the premium brand, continuous and constant tour wins, great releases, and perfect marketing have elevated their brand. R&D seems to be top notch in their HP releases, reused cores and covers save $$$ plus overseas market seem to be top notch--just look at the price of overseas equipment other brand can really say people desire their equipment like this.
900 is growing, AMF isn't though. Seems to follow storms path quite a bit now, listening to fans for rereleases be is smart. Rebranded from storms influence seems to be working decently, I feel they are working towards being the roto grip of yesteryear, pricing is a lil bit lower too. Has best pro shop pricing. They seemed to have manufacturing as a business making private label balls, which seems to be limited to just monster as storm is ultilizing 900 now, more than ever.
EBI has has to cruising in 2nd place, just because their 4 brands are iconic and they have restructured, and came out better than before (not better than ever, but improved). Their product quality has increased no doubt. I have noticed a ton of x-outs now--almost like they're trying to create an x out customer base...
Visionary who knows what's going there no releases since 2015, and have only poured 4 seismic balls that i know of to date.
Lanemasters looks to be going out of business and dumping equipment
Pyramid-has one popular ball, no clue I'd they'll ever have a second....
What as I see is similar but different game plans for each company. However taking the cheap road in the long run is never good. A storm will be fine for a long time as they seem to set up for success. However, u may see the R&D at Brunswick/ especially Radical rake rise with the new weight hole debacle. They might have their edge now.
I have no factual numbers
But I see it as this