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Author Topic: Topic locked...what a joke  (Read 28667 times)


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Topic locked...what a joke
« on: January 16, 2016, 01:09:23 PM »
What happened? Someone got their feelings hurt? Can't discuss the lousy Usbc here? I wouldn't care if they folded. Another sanctioning group will take over. People act like we need them, they need us and that's how it works. A member suggested to them to raise the fee....ok..what if another member suggested to lower the fee? Give me a break. This is and was the worst organization that ever tan bowling. Again, its not the 5 bucks, or 1 dollar..its we got nothing in the past and now they want more for doing less.
It's a joke and the joke us on the bowlers. When is the last time the Usbc inspected a lane at anyone of your locations? Case closed.



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Re: Topic locked...what a joke
« Reply #31 on: January 17, 2016, 01:29:55 PM »
If the UBA is all about what I saw on the video on their homepage, then no thanks.
it's not for everyone. But the membership is growing, rapidly. Storm is an official sponsor and has created a team. Many PBA bowlers are apart of the UBA as well. It's all on house shot also. Trash talking, bowling and money. But let me be the first to say, you don't have to talk the talk when you bowl in the uba. But the team atmosphere is unlike any other in bowling. Trust me on that.


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Re: Topic locked...what a joke
« Reply #32 on: January 17, 2016, 03:46:22 PM »
I started the topic and I decided it should be locked.  --  JohnP


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Re: Topic locked...what a joke
« Reply #33 on: January 18, 2016, 07:38:31 AM »
Its my ball and Im taking it home! Thats what you sound like.


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Re: Topic locked...what a joke
« Reply #34 on: January 18, 2016, 08:41:28 AM »
Let us not forget the move to Texas, which was totally necessary.  How much did that cost us again?

No one could have expected the market to do what it did then.  Corporate taxing structures are much more business friendly in Texas than in Wisconsin.  Plus there is no state income tax.  So in theory, it is better in the long term.  Downside is the initial capital needed to facilitate the move.


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Re: Topic locked...what a joke
« Reply #35 on: January 18, 2016, 11:25:02 AM »
12XSECH - Welcome to my ignore list.  --  JohnP


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Re: Topic locked...what a joke
« Reply #36 on: January 18, 2016, 12:52:22 PM »
Here is my pitch for the USBC.  Your league has $2000+ in funds (most have $10,000+).  You pay $10 per year to insure the funds.  If a league officer decides to run off with the money you still get your share.  As long as you want  a prize fund then you need to have the fund bonded (insured).  For me I expect to get $150+ in prize winnings, so the $10 protects me. I hope to never need it. For you financially interested, I put in $12 per week to the prize fund and the $10 covers 32 weeks of that level of donation.  So that is $384 of coverage for $10.  If I was in an additional league I get more coverage for the same amount.

If you want to bowl in more than just a league (or more than just scratch) then the standardization of rules and a recognized average is also a benefit.

If the annual fee needs to be $15 for the bonding to be solvent then I would still pay it. 


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Re: Topic locked...what a joke
« Reply #37 on: January 18, 2016, 01:47:43 PM »
At what point does membership stop supporting a broken system that's been ineffective for decades. Fix the system and bring some accountability to the good old boys at the BPAA/USBC that have been abusing the system for years. I fully realize that the board of directors and BPAA/USBC leadership don't care what we want because they think they know best, but take a look at the membership decline over the last two decades and let me know how that's been working so far.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result...I for one have seen enough of the same thing, I'm ready for change.
#AFutureForMembership #WhoDoesUSBCWorkFor


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Re: Topic locked...what a joke
« Reply #38 on: January 18, 2016, 01:51:01 PM »
John P...Im not gonna sleep tonight now....You have me on ignore..OMG what a turd.


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Re: Topic locked...what a joke
« Reply #39 on: January 18, 2016, 03:54:26 PM »
Whining about what the USBC does and does not do for you means you should get out there and be heard 12XSECH... Help grow the sport or not.. But being behind a keyboard isn't helping your cause :)


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Re: Topic locked...what a joke
« Reply #40 on: January 18, 2016, 10:26:05 PM »
Bradley, I'm working on it...might work, might fail...we will see.


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Re: Topic locked...what a joke
« Reply #41 on: January 24, 2016, 11:32:21 AM »
Let us not forget the move to Texas, which was totally necessary.  How much did that cost us again?

Bingo. Not to add building the training center in Arlington that cost millions where they could have done something with Kegel instead for a fraction of the cost.

Not to mention how many women's tours have been started up (and failed) on the members dime?

Look, I wouldn't mind a price increase for dues if I had any confidence in the USBC on improving the sport, not totally destroying it with inept decision making.

I've read the discussion boards on Facebook and it seems like the top .5% believe that they are entitled to milk the system dry. Guess what. If the USBC goes away, along with Nationals, that is a cash cow for them that also goes away because instead of thinking long term....they just want to get theirs today.

Last I checked, the average USBC is still 170-something. In order to even start attempting to fix the perception of what a lot of people think about the organization, you have to get the average bowler back on board.

Instead of "A Future For The Sport", it really should be "A Sport Without A Future"


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Re: Topic locked...what a joke
« Reply #42 on: January 25, 2016, 10:00:43 AM »
Are people seriously whining about 5$? How much do you spend in Alcohol at a bowling alley during league? Have on less drink on one night and you got your 5$
"No one runs...from the conquerer "



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Re: Topic locked...what a joke
« Reply #43 on: January 25, 2016, 10:20:35 AM »
Why define an intellectual discussion, for the most part, as "whining." It is one thing if one chooses to give away 5 bucks, another thing if one is being hoodwinked out of 5 bucks.

Whether it was 5 bucks or 5 cents, if we are going to be charged, we have a right to know what we are paying for.

Now how is that whining?

Are people seriously whining about 5$? How much do you spend in Alcohol at a bowling alley during league? Have on less drink on one night and you got your 5$


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Re: Topic locked...what a joke
« Reply #44 on: January 25, 2016, 10:28:52 AM »
Are people seriously whining about 5$? How much do you spend in Alcohol at a bowling alley during league? Have on less drink on one night and you got your 5$
Using that logic, send $5 to my paypal account and I'll make the sport's only $5 and you know exactly as much about how your money will be spent as the USBC will tell you.
#AFutureForMembership #WhoDoesUSBCWorkFor


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Re: Topic locked...what a joke
« Reply #45 on: January 25, 2016, 10:33:55 AM »
So every penny you spend of every paycheck, every cent of taxes, you know where all of that actually goes? I find that hard to believe.
"No one runs...from the conquerer "
