That goes both ways Gene. Not everybody that is less than thrilled fits your description, but people always resort to calling names when they have no other points to make.
The whole point of the merger was to solve the money issues of the membership loss. Why hasn't that worked? Why do they need more money? Some of us actually understand business and would love to have some sort of explanation/proof of why they need more money and what exactly they are going to do with it. If you find that an unreasonable stance to take, feel free to just give them some of your money. I'm sure they'll take a donation as long as you don't ask them what they are going to do with it.
I usually agree with you, but in this case, I think you need to grow up. It is possible to have valid concerns with USBC without wanting another key chain. Why is it that anybody that has the nerve to question the great USBC is automatically a whiner?
I have plenty to say on the topic of USBC's function as NGB, and I've articulated those thoughts countless times on these boards over the years. As such, believe me when I say that yesterday's comments did not come as a result of having nothing better to say. I think that I've just grown weary of saying the same things over and over again and having it fall on deaf ears.
In regard to your next point, I wasn't really seeking to call out anyone/everyone who questions USBC; lord knows the organization has made its mistakes over the years. Additionally, I think that people have the obligation to closely monitor people and entities in charge and to hold them accountable for inappropriate conduct. But, sadly, a large number of the most vocal dissenters on this site seem to do nothing but whine, call names, and make unfounded accusations. Again, that is not true of everyone who questions the organization, but it seems to be true of quite a few people around here.
Should USBC members be told to what ends the extra $5 would go? Sure, there is nothing wrong with that. I don't think I ever said that was unreasonable. I will tell you though that my guess is that you're going to hear that it is going to go toward operating costs. One thing a lot of people just can't seem to get through their heads around here is that we're no longer in the glory days of bowling.
USBC isn't banking millions of dollars and operating with a healthy surplus of funds each year. With membership dwindling year after year, they're being forced to cut staff, cut programs, and raise costs just to stay in operation. How is that any different than a landlord or leasing company raising rent every year or a cable/satellite provider upping your monthly payment every so often? When those things happen, do you get extra amenities or channels? I've never heard of it going that way. So why do so many people expect USBC to provide everything it used to provide and more when there is less money than ever coming in and all of its expenses have gone up?
Nevertheless, again, if members want to know specifically what the proposed dues increase would contribute to, I think USBC should make that known; however, I won't blame USBC for being less than enthusiastic about releasing that info (if that's even how the organization feels about it) since it is likely to give the whiners another chance to say, "look, they're charging us more money, and we're not getting anything new for it."
The simple fact is this, ladies and gentlemen: We're never going back to the good old days where your $18/year (what I paid this year for national/local combined) entitles you to a new ring and a bunch of coasters/patches every year. To be honest, ABC/USBC's mistake was giving all of that crap out in the first place. The NGB never should've been about awards and all of that. It should've been about upholding the playing rules, managing the playing environment and equipment, and growing the sport. That's what our money should be used for, and, from my perspective, USBC is still working to achieve all of those goals. I'm not saying the organization has done or is doing all the right things in regard to those goals, but I think that they're making an honest effort. As such, I still think that I am getting my money's worth through my membership. Clearly, there are people who feel the opposite, and they are entitled to that. I just hope that those people take a good look and think through what things will be like if USBC goes away and we're left with no governing body. If you think bowling has problems now, wait until it's an actual free for all.
I hope that provides a more mature perspective as to my take on this issue. I will agree with you though; my previous response was childish. But I have to admit, any time I see a golden opportunity to call someone a douche canoe, I tend to take it. It's just too good a term to pass up! Be well, sir!