You guys just hit the nail on the head. Both of you explained that you might be able to play in your yard but to be in a league you would have to travel. Well...many of the folks I know that quit bowling are staying at home because he/she needs the money to raise a family or the cost just got too high. So he/she goes outback with his/her kids and can play together rather than drive somewhere and pay. So yes, to play in a league you would need to travel and pay, but that is not what the ones I know are doing. Maybe in your areas, but not here. Everything is dieing here. As I said before, golf courses are closing, bowling alleys are closing, the only ice skating/hockey rink closed. Why? Because NOBODY is going somewhere to pay to play. But still, the kids and parents can watch something on TV, like basketball or baseball, and go out back and play themselves right now. With the down economy and less financial freedom, there is an attraction for that.
Bottom line, I said before and will say again, a true study needs conducted to see why people are quitting bowling. Actual conversations, a real thought out research study and not something thrown together in a week or two. Is it the price of a game at the local center? The drive time to the local center? Family? Economy? Other sports? More electronic options (cable, SmartPhone, etc)? We can sit here all down until we are blue in the face and argue what we think is right, but a real study is the only way this gets resolved.