I served on my local association for 10 years. We have 2 centers one down town and one on the Air Force base. At the time of me being on the board we had 3 centers For 10 years a a board member I tried getting the City Tournament to rotate between the 3 centers and wasn't happening. The last year of me being on the board, one of the board members was owner of the 3rd center and when I brought it up at our tournament meeting he stated that he would rather see his center close than bowl at the base. After hearing that I simply stated "this is my official resignation" and walked out the door. I have not been on the board the last 10 years, but being retired Air Force have fought every year at the annual meeting (since the 3rd center closed and he is no longer on the board)to get the tournament at the AF base and was always told participation would drop. The base belongs to the local association and bowlers that bowl on base only deserve to have the tournament held at there location occasionally. 2014-15 City was held at base and guess what, participation had no change as the few that refused to bowl were replaced by new participants that bowl on AF base only. Our local board is terrible and I have been arguing with them for 20 years on issues to improve participation. Not once have I seen a board member in either center trying to recruit team for tournament. There excuse is that is the houses responsibility. We had 34 teams this year, 29 handicap and 5 scratch. They take the prize money and put 75% in handicap and 25% in scratch. They get on me because I put in a handicap team and being one of the top bowlers in my area I should put in a scratch team. I tell them you pay out 1 spot, you don't finish 1st, you get notta, zero, nil.
Some of you are correct stating it starts at local level, but when 25% of your membership comes from a AF center and they are continually shut out, membership will continue to fall. My pro shop is located in the down town center, but I bowl on the base. I hold 2-3 tournaments and clinics each year and I cover both when I hold the events. My wife and I hold a State Mixed Doubles Masters down town (My wife manages the AF center) and the other 2 I run are rotated between the 2 centers. My clinics are held where lane availability is.