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Author Topic: Topic locked...what a joke  (Read 28593 times)


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Topic locked...what a joke
« on: January 16, 2016, 01:09:23 PM »
What happened? Someone got their feelings hurt? Can't discuss the lousy Usbc here? I wouldn't care if they folded. Another sanctioning group will take over. People act like we need them, they need us and that's how it works. A member suggested to them to raise the fee....ok..what if another member suggested to lower the fee? Give me a break. This is and was the worst organization that ever tan bowling. Again, its not the 5 bucks, or 1 dollar..its we got nothing in the past and now they want more for doing less.
It's a joke and the joke us on the bowlers. When is the last time the Usbc inspected a lane at anyone of your locations? Case closed.



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Re: Topic locked...what a joke
« Reply #151 on: January 28, 2016, 03:32:07 PM »
once again, its not my job to solve the problems of the usbc. i listed several suggestions and they can use any of them...for free. You clinton / sanders supporters think the sky will fall if the usbc went away... Your fix is to give them more money...our fix is to get new management or fold up...we dont need them to continue to bowl, just like we dont need the government living in our houses.

"don't need them to continue to bowl"  -  maybe by your definition of bowling, not by mine.  I've had league fees stolen.  Yes the president signed the check and the secretary goes to the bank 2 days before payout and withdraws the money, and then hops on a plane to Mexico.  There are scums bags out there who steal.  Our league still got paid. 

Chad Murphy released a statement today about the price increase.  Several have asked where the money will go.  Here is his answer below.  Now you may not like what USBC plans on doing with the money but now you at least know.

Where would the additional money go?
The funding will go directly towards ensuring tomorrow for USBC. This includes support for all our associations that are protected by USBC’s singular non-profit designation. Many people don’t realize that the majority of USBC’s membership dollars fund resources used to benefit state and local associations. In fact, almost all the membership revenue goes directly or indirectly to that support. Here is a simple list of examples:

Continue investment in the field for USBC Association Services and membership support. Expanded training and education could be funded in the future.
Continued investment in dedicated, knowledgeable staff members a phone call or email away to help with rules, association services, tournament support and more
Improving key technology such as WinLABS,, the mobile app and more
Keep the USBC Convention as a free event to benefit our delegates and members
Continue USBC investment in IBC Youth, where we have seen growth and all-time highs in Junior Gold, high school, and collegiate program
Competitive bowling events including the Masters, Queens, U.S. Opens, PWBA Tour, and Open and Women’s Championships that provide amazing experiences for our members, help retain bowlers and showcase our sport
Televise our outstanding events to keep bowling top of mind and relevant for the next generation of consumers
Evolve, as the science related to equipment certifications and specifications currently is changing and requires support with modern tools and a trained staff
Have the strongest Team USA program so we can compete with the best on the world stage


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Re: Topic locked...what a joke
« Reply #152 on: January 28, 2016, 04:04:52 PM »
I think I finally got it, but just to make sure. The USBC bears no responsibility for declines in membership and without their phenomenal programs we would have even lower membership numbers?   

That's the most delusional thing I've heard on this entire thread...
So I am delusional for not putting all the blame on USBC. 

*  It is USBC's fault my son would rather play bowling on his tablet instead of going to the center. 
*  It is USBC's fault pro bowling doesn't have big name sponsors which results in prize funds worth less than they were 40 years ago. 
*  It is USBC's fault cable companies provide 500 channels to watch instead of going bowling.
*  It is USBC's fault proprietors don't approach open-play bowlers to see if they want to join a league.

But you aren't delusional for thinking all those things are their fault.


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Re: Topic locked...what a joke
« Reply #153 on: January 28, 2016, 04:33:18 PM »
I think I finally got it, but just to make sure. The USBC bears no responsibility for declines in membership and without their phenomenal programs we would have even lower membership numbers?   

That's the most delusional thing I've heard on this entire thread...
So I am delusional for not putting all the blame on USBC. 

*  It is USBC's fault my son would rather play bowling on his tablet instead of going to the center. 
*  It is USBC's fault pro bowling doesn't have big name sponsors which results in prize funds worth less than they were 40 years ago. 
*  It is USBC's fault cable companies provide 500 channels to watch instead of going bowling.
*  It is USBC's fault proprietors don't approach open-play bowlers to see if they want to join a league.

But you aren't delusional for thinking all those things are their fault.

Awesome might want to propose a higher fee increase since membership will continue to decline by no fault of USBC's incredible programs aimed at acquiring/retaining members.
#AFutureForMembership #WhoDoesUSBCWorkFor

Joe Cool

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Re: Topic locked...what a joke
« Reply #154 on: January 28, 2016, 04:38:41 PM »
Well, I tried to get some constructive discussion going, but people would apparently rather bitch and moan about why the other side is an idiot.  Carry on.
Hit the pocket and hope for the best


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Re: Topic locked...what a joke
« Reply #155 on: January 28, 2016, 04:44:50 PM »
First off someone was talking about the air force base. That is a problem to have the require championship there because every member of the local association must be able to take part. An since it is a military base some members might not be able to get on the base.
2nd there is only 750 delegates  on the average at the convention. Representing probably less than 30% of your state & local association. Those 750 are voting for 1.3 millions members.  There is several association that are never heard from at the convention (financial reason)and National seems do not care what they  Affliated, Smaller association or for that matter the medium size association have to say. I know personally they do all these survey at time and I have never seen one in the 10 years. Then state well we survey association and came up with this plan or change. But when you are communicating with other association they never seen the survey. Again you have 750 people voting on what the national membership should be or should the state/local association be force to merge.


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Re: Topic locked...what a joke
« Reply #156 on: January 28, 2016, 04:54:55 PM »
Well, I tried to get some constructive discussion going, but people would apparently rather bitch and moan about why the other side is an idiot.  Carry on.

Come on Joe, you post this as if you never met us before!  :o ;D
"If guns kill people, do pencils misspell words?"

"If you don't stand for our flag, then don't expect me to give a damn about your feelings."

Gene J Kanak

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Re: Topic locked...what a joke
« Reply #157 on: January 28, 2016, 05:02:22 PM »
As someone from the Chicagoland area, this post reminds me of sports talk discussions of Bears QB Jay Cutler. One segment of callers hates him with a passion and refuses to give him any credit for anything. He can complete 50 out 55 passes for 600 yards and 7 touchdowns, but the second he throws an INT, they come out of the woodwork talking about how much he sucks and how the Bears need to get rid of him because they'll never win with "a guy like that."

Shortly thereafter, the phone lines light up with the folks who like him, the ones who acknowledge that he's far from perfect, but that he's the best thing the Bears have had at that position and that, until something better comes along, it's worth sticking with him.

The longer this thread has persisted, the more like the aforementioned conversation it has gotten. Some people are filled with anger, hatred, and frustration directed toward USBC. Those people simply refuse to acknowledge anything positive that the organization has done since its inception, and they blame every problem in the world of bowling squarely at the organization's feet. Others acknowledge that USBC has its shortcomings and faults, but assert that it has done/is doing some good things.

In the end, it seems pretty clear that one side is never going to convince the other side, so, as others have said, we've probably reached the point of diminishing returns in regard to this thread.

Joe Cool

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Re: Topic locked...what a joke
« Reply #158 on: January 28, 2016, 06:03:57 PM »
Well, I tried to get some constructive discussion going, but people would apparently rather bitch and moan about why the other side is an idiot.  Carry on.

Come on Joe, you post this as if you never met us before!  :o ;D

Ha - I know.  Different section, same result.
Hit the pocket and hope for the best


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Re: Topic locked...what a joke
« Reply #159 on: January 28, 2016, 06:41:58 PM »
See ya in a couple of years on the next thread when they ask for another will only be $5 and the decline still won't be their fault lol
#AFutureForMembership #WhoDoesUSBCWorkFor

Gene J Kanak

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Re: Topic locked...what a joke
« Reply #160 on: January 28, 2016, 07:00:41 PM »
See ya in a couple of years on the next thread when they ask for another will only be $5 and the decline still won't be their fault lol

Well, those of us who feel that way will then look forward to hearing from you and the rest of the genius contingent so that we'll know how stupid we are for allowing USBC to shamelessly victimize us once again.


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Re: Topic locked...what a joke
« Reply #161 on: January 28, 2016, 07:32:09 PM »
I support the USBC and have voted Republican as long as I have been eligible to vote (Voted for Bush 2 twice, McCain, and Romney) and plan on voting for Trump if he makes it that far. Not too crazy about the other Repubs though.

Yep, I have no problems handing over an extra $5 a year to the USBC...that's a whopping 15 cents per league session if I only bowl ONE 32 week league per year. Considering I bowl 4...that equates to 4 cents per league night, or just a tisker more than 1 penny per league game.

Yep, this Republican has NO problems handing over the extra money and would hand over $10-$15 and not just the $5.

Joe Cool

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Re: Topic locked...what a joke
« Reply #162 on: January 28, 2016, 08:03:05 PM »
All you guys willing to give USBC an extra $5 feel free to do so.  I am certain they will take your donation. 
Hit the pocket and hope for the best


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Re: Topic locked...what a joke
« Reply #163 on: January 29, 2016, 07:44:20 AM »
Keep throwing money at them...they'll get


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Re: Topic locked...what a joke
« Reply #164 on: January 29, 2016, 08:30:50 AM »
I'm just curious as to why you bowl in USBC Sanctioned Leagues/Tournaments if you hate them so much and think that they are doing a horrible job? I mean why pay for something that you are so passionately against? I sure as hell would not pay anyone that I disagreed so much with.

Gene J Kanak

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Re: Topic locked...what a joke
« Reply #165 on: January 29, 2016, 09:40:53 AM »
I'm just curious as to why you bowl in USBC Sanctioned Leagues/Tournaments if you hate them so much and think that they are doing a horrible job? I mean why pay for something that you are so passionately against? I sure as hell would not pay anyone that I disagreed so much with.

They do it because as long as USBC is around, they'll have a scapegoat for everything that is wrong with the sport, and they'll maintain the ability to feel smarter than/superior to all of the people they deem to be idiots for supporting the organization.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2016, 09:45:53 AM by Gene J Kanak »