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Author Topic: Slowing ball speed down suggestions?  (Read 2302 times)


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Slowing ball speed down suggestions?
« on: November 24, 2003, 02:15:26 PM »
I'm finding that when I bowl in other houses outside of my home house that they place more oil at the heads and thus watch my ball skate a few more feet down the lane because I'm used to throwing it 17-18mph in my home house. I have a 4 step approach, what suggestions would you make to help me decrease my speed a couple of mph? I think when I hit those other houses this would increase my carry percentage, as I can get to the hole but normally leave a ton of 7 pins (I'm a lefty)...




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Re: Slowing ball speed down suggestions?
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2003, 07:04:18 AM »
I'll second holding the ball lower in the stance.
hold the ball a little lower, a few inches then push the ball forward but not up.
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Re: Slowing ball speed down suggestions?
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2003, 08:52:33 AM »
Pari nailed this one. I used to hold the ball up around my chest height, and threw between 19-21 mph. Now I hold it hip high, and throw it around 15-16.
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Re: Slowing ball speed down suggestions?
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2003, 09:03:03 AM »
Check out Ron Clifton`s article on that very subject here...

There is lots of good info that he has generously placed on his site for all to take advantage of...

highly recommended reading!


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Re: Slowing ball speed down suggestions?
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2003, 11:17:46 AM »
In addition to the other tips, on your first step (and possibly even on your second also), be sure your heel hits the floor before the ball of your foot.  That slows down the approach.  --  JohnP


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Re: Slowing ball speed down suggestions?
« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2003, 08:23:47 AM »
Some very good advice to slowing it. I had the same problem between 2 houses. A couple other ways to deal with it was to start a foot back. This worked for me if playing up the boards, did not work too well on a swing shot. No profile can't tell your style. Sometimes just turning your wrist a 1/4 more clockwise(for a lefty), or spreading your fingers a little more, will get you a few more revs to not leave those 7's.

If you have a good push away from the start then slowing it down seems to come easier, me I had to developed one. Good luck.


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Re: Slowing ball speed down suggestions?
« Reply #6 on: November 26, 2003, 08:52:09 AM »
When I need a slower ball speed, I always move forward, take smaller steps and hesitate, a bit, at the top of my backswing. Feels pretty awkward for the first few balls but one I get locked into the rhythm, I can usually stay pretty smooth and consistent. The tip about lowering the ball is great! Personally, I have gone from starting waist high to arm almost straight down at my side. In general, this helps keep my armswing smooth and consistent and in a pendulum like movement. Anyway.........good luck.
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Re: Slowing ball speed down suggestions?
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2003, 04:44:42 PM »
I thnk what Kimbo is saying is correct, about ball placement. You can hold the ball lower, but if you push it up/higher in your pushaway, you're defeating the purpose.

So, on the pushaway, you will have to place the ball lower at the extension of your arm/pushaway. When your arm/pushaway is extended and the ball is lower, your backswing won't be as high, thus, a slower ball speed.

Holding the ball lower, lower pushaway, with the shortening of your steps and approach distance, will all need to be in sync to have proper timing. You cannot do one thing with out doing the others and still be in time. =:^D


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Re: Slowing ball speed down suggestions?
« Reply #8 on: November 27, 2003, 06:12:11 AM »
I usually combine several of these into one:

By stepping forward about 6-12" on the approach (depending on your build and walk), & by holding the ball slightly lower, but in the same line/plane (the hand/ball/elbow/shoulder) as you normally hold the ball, your body will, of its own accord, take the shorter steps necessary to wind up at about the same spot on the approach and your armswing, because you are starting it less high, will be less high at the the top of the backswing (unless you force it or muscle it higher). These will all generally combine for a slower overall ball speed, while maintaining a similar sense of your own delivery.

Bringing your target closer to the foul line, along the path  of the ball, will also help the ball get into a roll earlier; this helps when you're facing more oil than normal. This change should probably be done separately from the approach and ball hold height modification, as doing too much at one time will confuse your body and mind's coordination.

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Re: Slowing ball speed down suggestions?
« Reply #9 on: November 27, 2003, 06:36:02 AM »
One other thing that might help is to throw a more aggressive ball. If you are already throwing an aggressive ball, try sanding it this will make the ball have more friction between it and the lane and thus slow the ball down.