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Author Topic: Tougher patterns....weaknesses  (Read 976 times)


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Tougher patterns....weaknesses
« on: January 27, 2004, 11:17:02 AM »
As some of you know we have been bowling some tougher patterns on my Sunday league.  We used PBA pattern B last week, we used older PBA patterns the first two weeks.  I am not doing to well, I think I am around 178 or so.  We haven't shot on a pattern shorter than 46' yet.  I have never done well on longer patterns.  I am not ready to give in just yet.  I think my time is coming with the shorter patterns will be seeing soon.

I know that I have never been great on long patterns, my style just doesn't match up well.  I like to throw hard and I am inconsistent when I have to slow the ball down much.  I like to throw my speed and adjust the surface of my ball.

Anyway, I have identified the weaknesses in my game.  The first one is timing, when I am in time I strike, when I am not, watch out.  The second one kinda plays into the first one, Accuracy.  The more out of time I am the more sprayin I do.  I also realized that when I try to swing the ball I am not near as accurate as when I am playing the lanes more straight.  

If you want to find the weaknesses in your game, find a tough pattern.  That is all i can say.  I moved back about a foot or so on the approach and my timing improved greatly.  




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Re: Tougher patterns....weaknesses
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2004, 02:39:39 AM »
I concur with Agroves on finding weaknesses in your game on a tough pattern. Tonight I felt like we were bowling on more of a sport shot because 1-10 were out of bounds and you had to keep it between 11-15 with slow ball speed plus make sure to stay through the shot or else it was wash out city. One guy threw over 600, and I was second high with a 579 (had two nasty 4-6 splits, missed a 5 pin and chopped a 3-5-6). I too like to throw the ball hard and have trouble bowling on conditions where I need to keep the ball speed below 16 mph, it's a weakness that I have been working on in practice sessions.

Wish I could bowl in the sport league in my local area, but it's on a second shift Wednesday night and I work third shift...can't miss work.



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Re: Tougher patterns....weaknesses
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2004, 10:32:44 AM »
I'm the opposite of you guys.  When I started bowling seriously again in 1999, the 2 houses I bowled at put down heavy heavy oil shots.  I learned how to slow my ball speed down and adjust to allow the ball more room to move.  I remember one day having to throw 1st arrow, and then only at 12mph to get the ball moving.  The ball was a sanded Track Champ too!

On the contrary, light oil patterns drive me nuts right now.  I can speed ball speed up to about 17mph comfortably, but once your shot starts drying you dive through the nose.  I can move inside but it is still extreme accuracy to find the best angle in the pocket.  Last sunday, the shot was soo dry that my Jekyll was moving too hard, and too uncontrollable.  So I broke down, and began throwing my White Dot pocket rocket during middle of the second game.  Finished 157, 157, 227.  

I just added a new ball to my arsenal (Columbia Wired) since my new house now likes to flood the middle, and leave the outside bone dry.  Like a THS gone wild.  Too far outside, and your happy to stay on the lane.  Too far inside, and the 3 pin begins wondering if you have something personal against him.
"Here we go folks, he is working off the first 8, and looking good.  Looks good on the approach.... OH NO, its off his ankle and down the gutter!!  OHH THE HUMANITY!"

Darrell Guzman
guzmand19 - Yahoo IM and MSN screen names
This week's series:  
Thursday League: 595 (227, 161, 207)
Sunday League:   588 (202, 198, 188)
Mr. Consistency, 2 consecutive weeks throwing a 160 game!