Has anyone read "Par Bowling the Challenge" by Thomas Kouros? What is your opinion on the material? Has it helped anyone else's game? He changed my game completely for the better. HE IS TRULY A BOWLING GENIUS!! I had personal lessons by Kouros back in 1988 (most of his teachings still apply today), and he gave me a copy of the original "Par Bowling" book that was black in color on the cover. I can't find the original book now, but, after reading the current book, it seems as if that he has changed his approach to the game compared to what he was teaching back then and what he wrote in the original book, now acknowledging new technics as compared to strickly "old school bowling". I also noticed his extreme distaste for the direction that bowling was or is still headed since the print of the newer book ( the ABC regulations on bowling ball technology, lane conditions and materials). To a great extent, I would have to agree with his opinions. Does anyone else have these same opinions?
Shoot first and ask questions later!!
Edited on 1/28/2004 6:16 AM