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Author Topic: Elite bowling  (Read 509 times)


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Elite bowling
« on: March 14, 2009, 07:45:59 AM »
Could anyone please clear up a couple things for me? First, I've heard rumors that Elite balls were nothing more than older remade Brunswick balls. Can someone validate or explain?

How do they perform? Guarantee or not, I'd like to hear from people who've thrown them.

No, you may not handle my balls. Well....maybe just for a little while.



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Re: Elite bowling
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2009, 07:58:18 PM »
the first night I threw mine I had a 300 and 804.   Since September I've also shot a 781 and a 783 with it tonight.  

I love how the black elite moves, plus you can't see it rotate going down the lane so that's kind of cool
High game 300, 298(no middle finger) 290, 290(no middle finger)
High series 804
High triplicate 774
High average 221
best game. when I was 6 I bowled a 158

I have a 16# morich awesome finish I want to trade.  1 season on it.    I am looking for 15# stuff