Tournament director checked it out and we reached a compromise. The other guy is shown as winning the title but I get the money and am the official winner. It's a little convoluted but I'm ok with it.
The really interesting thing here is actually a totally different issue. The average rules state that handicap is based on last year's high book average, and if there is no average from last year, then it's the January 1st average provided 21 games has been bowled already this season. I bowled lefthanded last year, so when the tournament director was verifying entering averages, that's the average he used. I bowled the tournament right handed though, so he adjusted the handicap after he realized that. My righty average this year is only a few pins higher than my lefty average was last year, we bowl on a second shift league and it gets nasty the last couple games, so everyone is down 10-15 pins from what they average in other leagues on the fresh, but that's the only league I'm bowling righty in this year.
Anyway, after adjusting my handicap the few pins, and then after I brought the all events thing to his attention, he called USBC asking for some clarification, and they told him an average was an average regardless of the hand it was obtained with. That's the only average I had last year, and being that it was within 4 pins of what I had on Jan 1 this year, it falls within the 10 pin rule and therefore I technically get to use it . . so it's odd and I don't really agree with it, but those apparently are the rules.
I've sent several emails to USBC asking for a separate sanction number for each hand so this isn't such a pain in the ass every time I bowl a tournament, but they keep saying I'm one person and they can't do that, that it would be like issuing someone two social security numbers or something. The rule is just that handicap is based off the highest average, so no matter what hand I bowl any tournament with, handicap is based off the high book average unless the 10 pin rule is invoked, so obviously if I average 170 lefthanded and then my Jan 1 average is 210, of course I'd be rerated . . however if I bowled a tournament lefthanded, I'd have to use my high book average whichever hand it was obtained with . . but this all makes not a whole lot of sense. I wish they'd just give me another sanction number, it would make it so much easier.