I'm working on the schedule and flyer for my summer sport series tournaments, and I'm thinking about changing some things from last year.
Entry Fee $55 for members, $60 for non-members, 5 game qualifier, single game elim match play. Ok, that's the stuff that's in stone.
Would you rather bowl in that tournament with a 1 in 4 prize ratio that pays $1600 First Prize, $800 2nd, $400 3rd based on 100 bowlers; $1000 First Prize, $500 2nd Prize, $250 3rd based on 50 bowlers OR...
a 1 in 3 prize ratio that pays $1400 First Prize, $700 2nd, $350 3rd based on 100; $800 First Prize, $400 2nd, $200 3rd prize based on 50 bowlers.
These numbers are all assuming I can raise $2000 per tournament if we get 100 bowlers and $1000 per tournament if we get 50 bowlers, all from sponsorships. Now obviously if I don't get the sponsorships, then those numbers will change. But with that assumption in mind, which would you rather bowl? The 1 in 3 lower first prize payouts, or the 1 in 4 higher on top prize payouts?
http://www.MichiganBowling.comFamous Last Words of a Pot Bowler--"Ok, but this is my last game!"