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Author Topic: Tournament Questions / Suggestions  (Read 840 times)


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  • Brian S.
Tournament Questions / Suggestions
« on: May 10, 2009, 11:21:03 PM »
I have ran a few tournaments here in southern michigan, although it be not a great location, I always have trouble with getting a good turn out. I normally always put something hard down, not the china, could this be why? I charge $50 to bowl, with a 1-4 cash ratio, and the house gets a $1.50 per game. 5 game block, cut to 8 (with less than 32) or 16 (more than 32). Almost always paying the top 8. I run high game pots and high best 3 game series pots - always paying 1st and 2nd.

My dilemma is this - I have a friend who will run another tourney at a house not 15 minutes away and draw 50-60 ppl, and this house is not in the best of shape, or let's just say a hole. Now, he only charges $25 bucks and then runs $5 brackets, limit 4 on the side. Now, I won the last tourney he had - paid 150, won 3 of the 4 brackets for a additional 75 and 1st and 2nd in dbls for another 65, I know 290 is decent money for about 3 hours of work, but it was on the china and I averaged 253.666 on this. I am about the integrity of the game and want to see someone rewarded for bowling good on the tough stuff.

Please give your thoughts on things I could do to draw more ppl......



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Re: Tournament Questions / Suggestions
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2009, 07:47:51 AM »
I like the hard shots, unfortunately most dont.  And that is why the turn out
is so low.  We have a problem here with that.  Most bowlers wont bowl on a
tough shot, and the semi-good ones dont want to lose their ego's from bowling
bad on a tough shot, but the real competitive ones(seems to be quite a few)
they will come out and bowl.  Which I dont understand, because on the tougher
shots that i have bowled on, it seems to level the playing field better.

Unfortunately from what I have been through, it seems the only tournaments
that bring the crowd, are the Guaranteed top $$$ ones, and the easy china
3 game sets.  Me, I prefer in 6 to 8 and even 10 gamers on a tough shot.
I've been trying to talk people into a 16 gamer, with 2 blocks, 8 games each
block.  But everyone tells me its too much bowling.  And thats whats annoying,
they want to bowl, but would rather bowl 3 instead of 6 or more.

If someone has a plan to get a big draw on tough shots, they need to let me
and you know!


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Re: Tournament Questions / Suggestions
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2009, 08:02:31 AM »
Lot's of people like to bowl on the easy shots. Maybe you can take a poll of the people that you get to find out what they want. I was in Lima,Oh two weekend ago and the shot was a bit of a challenge and most people I knew said it was a waste of time. I think that they were expecting the THS and were disappointed. Sometimes you have to crawl before you walk. Also $50 is alot of money in this economic time. I think lots of people would like pay thier money, make good shots,score average to above, and leave feeling that they had somewhat of a chance to win. On the flip side to pay $50, get in brackets, high game pots, high game series, and bowl like crap because the shot was a little harder than expected would leave a bad taste in one's mouth. Let me ask you a question. Do you think if you put on your flyer that it would be more than just the THS that would run people off ? I have never ran a tournament that's why I'm asking. Good Luck


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Re: Tournament Questions / Suggestions
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2009, 08:14:05 AM »
The difficulty in shots may be a factor, but my opinion is the initial cost.  I know a lot of bowlers don't want to spend a lot of money for the tournament and would rather put their chances on brackets and side pots.  Not saying $50 is a lot for a tournament, but comparing it to $25 makes a decent difference, especially when that is $25 they can spend in brackets where some may feel their chances are better for a decent return.  

In fact, I wouldn't be surprised to see a bracket and side pot only tournament where the initial cost will just be lineage and administrative costs and everyone bowls for the sole intention of getting into a million brackets each.  Could even have block with 4 games and run 3-game and 4-game brackets.  

This may not be the answer and I wish I could help you with your tournament, but if you have competing tournaments 15 minutes apart on the same weekend, then maybe both of you can work together and have your tournaments on different weekends.  That way you have less of a chance of taking each other's participants.
I am not a pro-bowler, but I do play one on

Edited on 5/11/2009 8:21 AM


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Re: Tournament Questions / Suggestions
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2009, 08:22:56 AM »
Carlos - I have put out flyers and I do feel that IT DID run people off not being the normal THS.

SPMC - I have considered the 25 instead of 50 and just making it a 3 game set and then cutting to 8 or 16 depending on the turn out. Then if they want to put their money into pots, so be it.

After doing some quick math - If I had it at $25, got 60 people and everyone got in everything - and 1 guy gets hot,he could make over $900. Problem being, I will not get 60 people to get into everything.


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Re: Tournament Questions / Suggestions
« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2009, 08:33:21 AM »
Without brackets it will be tough. The majority of bowlers who bowl in tournaments are "Donators". Brackets give them a chance to win some coin as they are bowling against individuals and not the entire field.(They are already in a step ladder final so to speak) Alot of bowlers go to tournaments strickly for the brackets. Try running brackets and get rid of that 3 game series pot nonsense.
"I don't want to be remembered, I want to be forgotten"


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Re: Tournament Questions / Suggestions
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2009, 08:58:32 AM »