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Author Topic: Tournament Software?  (Read 2296 times)

Beef STL

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Tournament Software?
« on: June 13, 2008, 05:57:51 PM »
So, I'm trying to figure out what my options are.  I'm looking for something that will handle brackets, tournaments (singles, doubles, trios, team, baker, etc), just basically something that makes running tournaments easy.  I have only found Ebonite's Tournament Coordinator so far.  Looks like it's exactly what I need, but I also see that it's $400.  What are the other options?  I don't need anything to run leagues, just tournaments.  I wouldn't also mind having the ability to print out sidepots (high game) after each game, and to do eliminators.  Any suggestions are, as always, appreciated.  Thanks.
Member of the St. Louis, Missouri USBC Adult Rankings

MORE Speed = LESS time to PANIC... But since tearing my Rotator Cuff... I''m panicking :-(

Current Arsenal: MoRich LevRG, MoRich N''Sane LevRG, MoRich Awesome Finish, MoRich Awesome Hook, Brunswick Avalanche Solid, Brunswick Avalanche Pearl

Soon to add: 2 Brunswick Twisted Fury''s, and 2 Brunswick Sidewinders.
(Ordered the Barbie, but found out I can''t use it in PBA, anyone interested in a NIB 15 lb Barbie Viz?)



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Re: Tournament Software?
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2008, 09:21:12 AM »
What about Perfect Tournament from Treasure Software?  The Brackets module is extra, but there are a variety of options for different size tournaments.

I've use Perfect Secretary for league and it's pretty good.


Beef STL

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Re: Tournament Software?
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2008, 05:13:39 AM »
I think we've decided on Tournament Coordinator.  Anyone looking to possibly sell a used copy of this?  Can you do such a thing?  Also, how basic is this to get used to?  I downloaded the demo and it seems kind of vague so far, but I'm not sure if that's because it's the demo, or what.  Does it come with a pretty in depth manual that describes how to use the program?

Also, another thing we're looking at is a way that we can set a computer screen to show a 4 hour countdown that takes up a portion of the screen, then have a number showing on the other part of the screen.  We're looking to be able to hook up a USB keypad to where when we press a button, the number increases 1 number at a time, and also, we would need to be able to enter a starting number at the beginning of the night.  Any ideas?
Member of the St. Louis, Missouri USBC Adult Rankings

MORE Speed = LESS time to PANIC... But since tearing my Rotator Cuff... I'm panicking :-(

Current Arsenal: MoRich LevRG, MoRich N'Sane LevRG, MoRich Awesome Finish, MoRich Awesome Hook, Brunswick Avalanche Solid, Brunswick Avalanche Pearl

Soon to add: 2 Brunswick Twisted Fury's, and 2 Brunswick Sidewinders.
(Ordered the Barbie, but found out I can't use it in PBA, anyone interested in a NIB 15 lb Barbie Viz?)

Edited on 6/15/2008 5:32 AM