Like it says, been thinking about quitting bowling a lot lately. It may sound like whining, but I think the game/sport has sort of passed me by

Just in the past few years balls have gotten so particular and oil sensitive while oils have gotten more and more viscous. Oiling machines now have to be computerized just to be able to put out the shot consistently. I have tried to keep up with technological advances, but am tired of being told I need to buy 5 new balls a year just to stay competitive.
Ball companies haven't been any help. They design their latest missiles for top performance with no regards to longevity, and raising their prices to pay for their "R&D" to develop these "SUPER SPONGEBALLS". That's kind of like Ford motor company deciding to build and sell only top fuel dragsters and getting us to pay them to do it. Top performance with no regards for longevity. Lets see them persuade us that we need to go that route and buy at least 2-3 dragsters every couple of years.
So, after buying at least 3 balls a year, for at least the last 7 years and always being told I am throwing an "antique" that isn't designed to handle "todays" oil patterns, I have just about had all I want. Last league night did me in. I've been shooting really good this year, working very hard at it and got my average back into the 220's ( after a couple of years ), only to have the lane machine "malfunction" just prior to our league. It proceeded to put out a reverse blocked shot that I have absolutely no way of hitting with what's currently in my bag. And WHY should I carry a ball designed for that shot when I am never supposed to see it? I get tired of carrying 8 balls into my home house just to bowl 1 league. That was getting ridiculous.
Burn out? Maybe, but I don't know if this is the kind of burn out you can recover from or not. I've really tried to do the best I can. I've worked very hard to get good over the years, learning all I could about the game/sport, trying to keep pace with technology and was/am considered one of the good bowlers here, but I am tired of the never ending chase.
I'm not looking for validation here, just wondering why I should keep trying to perfect skills that can be/have been taken away at a moments notice by a vengeful laneman or a "malfunctioning" lane machine. If the ability to score well depends on such a tenuous thing as the pattern of lane conditioner on the surface of the lane, and NOBODY can guarantee that it is put out properly, or if I happened to have the "right" ball at the "right" time with the "right" drilling on it, why should I continue to spend my hard earned money on something that is fast becoming a fruitless endeavour, much like a dog endlessly chasing his tail and never catching up to it?
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