Week Two...
Practice scores: 132, 136
League scores (one-handed, immediately following practice): 180, 195, 246 (Dyno-Thane Threshold)
Summary: I bowled the first practice game with polished urethane (Visionary Slate Blue Gargoyle) and the second with a polished solid reactive (Storm Dark Thunder). I incorporated the skip-step into the delivery this week after practicing it "dry" in my driveway (i.e., without a ball in my hand). Whereas last week I had lost 6-7 mph from my one-handed delivery, I picked back up probably 3 mph and was throwing around 13 mph this week. That's not optimal, but it's progress.
The biggest contributor to those mediocre scores were seven different occurrences of this: 1/. That would be picking off the 7-pin on the first ball, and then clearing the rack for the spare. Of course, when you do that three times in a row, you've scored a whopping 33 or so over three frames. With both balls, I found myself gradually taking hand out of the ball by weakening my wrist position, or simply not rotating out of the ball at delivery, in an effort to keep the ball pocket-side. That helped, but again, that's not an optimal play. It did, however, tell me that I'm going to be able to make small changes in the delivery and adjust.
One thing I was not expecting tonight was a fair bit of pain in the middle finger after I was done with two-handed practice. This was the result of a pitch issue, and I'm not sure how to fix it. The SBG has forward pitch in the fingers (my old measurements), while the DT is reverse-pitched in the fingers. I was much more comfortable throwing the DT. Where the pain was coming from, though, was from the side of the fingers if I tried to come around the ball strongly. I'm wondering if I'm going to have to have extreme right pitch in those two fingers eventually. If so, that's not optimal, because now I would have to plug all my equipment. However, I'm sitting here typing this still with soreness in my finger, and since going two-handed is mostly about getting rid of pain, I'm not going to just tolerate it. I guess the middle finger is hanging up in the insert and getting jerked sideways at release.
On the flip side, I could have bowled as much as I wanted to tonight and had no wrist pain, forearm pain or shoulder pain. I haven't had that kind of experience in years.
Going from this into league and switching back to one-handed bowling, I found I was able, for the second straight week, to be very consistent and make better adjustments in the wrist. I still got a little wrist and hand pain afterward, though.
Hopefully I'll get a chance to do this again next week. It all depends, week to week, on my work schedule.