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Author Topic: Tournaments!  (Read 1842 times)


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« on: April 18, 2004, 07:27:19 PM »
I drove 2½ hours traveling to a State (NC) tournament this weekend. It was run in two different Centers in Willmington. I was in the 1:30 PM squad on Saturday and the 11:30 AM group on Sunday. Three games Saturday 6 on Sunday.

Saturday the oiling of the lanes took place before we started our Squad.

On Sunday there was a group of 3 on each lane bowling SINGLES followed by doubles. Prior to our starting there was a squad that must have started at 9 AM bowling the same format as we were scheduled for! With 3 bowlers on a lane bowling 6 games they would have thrown a maximum of 432 balls on each lane (12 balls x 6 bowlers x 6 games)yet there was no oil between squads. By the time we bowled our second set trying to hold the ball back was VERY DIFFICULT!

Is this your experience with Tournaments? When I inquired with management they informed me that the STATE requires oiling after every SECOND EVENT! Are singles/doubles considered a ONE EVENT action or is that TWO events. To me it seems that the CENTER management was misinterpreting RULES. Or is this the norm and I DON'T UNDERSTAND (again)!

Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O

Edited on 4/19/2004 10:22 AM
RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones!



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Re: Tournaments!
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2004, 11:01:40 AM »
JOE -- I always sign up for the first shift at a tournament.  I want to know I'm going to have a fresh shot.  --  JohnP


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Re: Tournaments!
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2004, 11:06:01 AM »
Yes it is typical.  I just finished bowling LABA City, 2nd shif both days and talk about fried lanes for doubles and singles.  I did manage to figure something out the last half of the last game of singles and bowled well in doubles.  

Last year CA Women's State had 3 shifts and no oiling between the 1st 2 squads, but flatened out the carrydown and oiled on top of that for the 3rd squad.  I think we would have been better without them oiling.

They say it is a time issue.  Not enough time scheduled by the tournament officials  for stripping and oiling between squads.
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Re: Tournaments!
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2004, 11:18:51 AM »
Sounds to me like another contributing factor for LOSS OF BOWLERS! I'd have to think twice before I go again! I'd rather make my contributions to the local CHARITIES .. then it's TAX DEDUCTABLE!
Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O
RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones!


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Re: Tournaments!
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2004, 11:28:00 AM »
Sounds pretty normal to me, I’ve never seen them run the lanes after every squad, city, state, or nationals.

Locally most don’t want to bowl the first shift. They feel the lanes blend out and open up after a squad has bowled in front of them.

Pick your poison. Bowl the first shift if you want fresh lanes. Bowl the second if you don’t.


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Re: Tournaments!
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2004, 11:31:49 AM »
Joe, At the Nataionals, the ABC oils 3 times a day: 7:30am. 2:30pm, and 8:30pm..  Team squads are at 2:30 and 8:30, which means that the afternoon doubles/singles squads are following a team squad.  Ae the lanes broken down, sure, but that what you get.  What you got at the NC tournament was nothing unusual.

If you have any experience with multi-sqaud tournaments, you should know that you may get second squad oil, and have noone to blame but yourself if you don't have the right equipment with you.  aA far as I know, what they did was the norm.

As for this to cause people to quit bowling. you have got be be kidding. It may stop them from bowling that tournament again, but I seriously doubt it is driving them to quit completely.


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Re: Tournaments!
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2004, 12:14:33 PM »
CGILYEAT .. I'm not disagreeing with you .. I'm trying to understand the logic .. since you've been to "MULTI-SQUAD TOURNAMENTS" you've familiar with DOUBLES/SINGLES being considered ONE EVENT and that they oil after TWO of these EVENTS! I haven't had the vast experience of you .. and I have not seen this NOR DO I ACCEPT IT. Going to TEAM events and having the lanes cared too after the 2nd schedule is BAD but to have 2 sessions of singles and doubles before caring for the allies is TERRIBLE SCHEDULING being suffered by the BOWLERS.

I said I would think twice before I go again .. my thoughts are at this time to SHEDULE MYSELF FOR A FRESH SHOT and if I don't get it SKIP the tournament. Why go where someone has an advantage? There are FEW balls designed for DRY conditions and balls are kind of EXPENSIVE .. I'll buy MEDIUM OIL designed balls but RARELY spend my money on DRY OIL balls. Then to TRAVEL to a tournament with DRY CONDITION equipment is not something I have the capacity or expectations to do!

Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O
RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones!


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Re: Tournaments!
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2004, 02:23:54 PM »
Joe, I understand where you are comming from, but unfortunately, it is just not feasable for tournaments to re-oil the lanes for every squad.  I know that my local assciation (NCABA - Washington, DC area)dosen't oil for each squad, neither does Virginia for either the men or womens state tournaments.  And, I suspect that most associations/states are the same. I agree, it may not be fair, but I think that a number of things factor into it, including time and money.  It would be nice to have fresh oil for each "event" or squad, but I just don't see that ever happening.


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Re: Tournaments!
« Reply #8 on: April 19, 2004, 03:59:04 PM »
CGILYEAT ..Thank you very much for the INFO! I am surprised.. I'm not accustomed to accepting less then someone else so I fight these things with a PASSION! You have enlightened me .. I just DON'T UNDERSTAND! I wouldn't THINK of running a tournament where I'm not giving everybody the same shot! Bowlers will come back and say LOOK AT THE PRO'S  .. well PRO'S are BEING PAID .. I'm not a PRO and I PAY TO GO TO TOURNAMENTS .. I expect EQUAL CONDITIONS otherwise .. I'll WATCH!

I am deeply grateful for the information you supplied .. It answered the question I put forth to a T. Thanks!

Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O
RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones!