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Author Topic: Tourney team advice  (Read 627 times)


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Tourney team advice
« on: February 24, 2007, 12:36:27 PM »
I have a dilemna with my teams for the upcoming tournaments (county and state).  For the past 5 years or so, I've been bowling with a team thats made up of some friends from the old neighborhood.  We usually only make the bottom of the handicap prize sheet because of one our teammates. Thanks to him we have no chance to even think about the scratch category.

One of our team mates has always been our weakest bowler.  During the last couple of years, he hasn't broken 450 in any session, seriously hurting the outcome of our team. Another 50 pins would have doubled our money.

Its really hard to watch him bowl.  Usually Everyone is having trouble keeping their ball on the lane, and he can't get his to move. I had my coach watch him once and he said it would take at least 3 months to fix the major problems. We'd all give him some equipment to use if he would make a real commitment to the game. (the equipment is the least of his problems)

The hard part of the decision is that he has been really down on his luck for the past few years and we all feel bad for him.  We've all been friends since childhood and don't want to abandon him now, but he hasn't bowled (that we know of) since last season ended. One of our team members is really pushing for him to be included again this year, but the rest of us don't want him.

I usually make my money back in brackets and side pots, but that's not enough anymore - I want to start winning some of these tournaments.

I've been toying with the idea of telling the teammate that wants him that we should try to put together 2 teams. Or, only let him bowl during singles/doubles with the teammate that is pushing for him.  My wife says I shouldn't bowl with him at all.

What do you all suggest we do?



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Re: Tourney team advice
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2007, 08:55:48 AM »
Tough position.  I would talk to your friend and tell him you and the rest of your team would like to help him improve his game, showing him that you helping him would equate to him helping his friends and team mates in competition.  If he rejects your offer, this states that he truly has no interest in improving his game, and, more importantly, helping his friends and team mates.  I could then restructure the teams, as you suggested, with a clear conscious.  Friendship certainly goes beyond competition, but as a friend, I would hope he would wish to take you up on the offer.
Good luck with solving this issue.


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Re: Tourney team advice
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2007, 07:24:32 AM »
Any one else with advice????