One serious note: as a slider, you are now subject to the vagaries of the condition of the approaches at the foul line, where before, as a planter, you could virtually care less. Believe me when I tell you, they can get royally messed up, to be polite. (My last week in summer league, the approaches were so bad, I stuck, jammed my leg and tore my hamstring muscle; I was out for 8 weeks!) Even worse the slide at the 20 board (example: strike ball) can be completely different from the slide at the 35 board (example: 10 pins).
Before you ever throw a ball on any lane, heck, before you even pick up a ball, go to the foul line and test several spots at the line and 10 - 20" behind the line, wherever you begin your slide.
Do it every single time you bowl on a new pair of lanes. EVERY TIME!
You may need to change soles or you may just need to brush your sole. If you usually use a #8 sole, make sure you carry a #6 and a #10. Heck, I even had to create a #9 sole for my Brunswick TPU-Xs.
Good luck. In the long run, you'll be able to last a lot longer with less strain and pressure and danger of injury with a decent slide.