Agreed. The only true oil I find is in my PBA leagues and regionals anymore. Any house shot I practice on other than one center about 30 miles from me is so dry, it's hard to use anything above a Psycho or so. It's quite frustrating, and you really do see less and less skill required to shoot decent numbers. In practicing on these drier conditions, I also find myself getting into bad habits, and not really fixing them, because you get away with it on an easier, or even overall drier condition. I would think centers would want to put out a little more oil, and protect their lane surface a little better, but I guess high scores, and higher turnouts in leagues because of the inflated averages speakes a bit more. One center closest to me has had by far the easiest shot in the area for the last 5-6 years or so. 300's being shot every week, sometimes 2 or 3 a night, 299's losing sidepots, and now the scores are going down because there isn't enough oil. The lanes have gotten so burned up that they aren't holding what oil is being put out. The lack of oil is definitely an issue in my area at least, as well as a lot of other people's as well.