I am going to repeat things already said I think. But honesty is important, be 100% truthful. Tell people when something doesn't work for you, what you did to try and correct it (different surface, different drill, add balance hole, etc.). I think Riggs reviews are an excellent example of this. From a video standpoint, I think you need first and foremost to detail everything, pattern, drill, etc. Some people forget to do that. Second would be to show the ball either on different patterns (from THS to Sport) or with different drillings and hopefully compare it to older balls from the company you are representing so people can relate it to something they may have or may have seen. Lastly, try to show it on more then just a THS, if possible. THS makes a lot of balls look good, but harder patterns will highlight the strengths and weaknesses of balls much clearer. I will agree Justin Wi's videos are some of the best I have seen.
spcm, I think you are probably correct. Most people don't have the time/equipment/resources to do all the things I have stated in a ball review video. This is where I think staffers could be very helpful and actually do a good job in promoting their company. Either they or their company should make sure they have the balls/lanes/software to make videos that really highlight the balls by doing the things mentioned in this thread.