Sunday night, I decided that I wanted to stop muscling the ball as much as I do, and also stop squeezing the ball. I made a conscious effort to let my arm swing be natural, and I noticed a huge improvement, with the only muscle I noticed being when I accelerated through the ball and my follow through. I also tried to stop squeezing the ball, but that did not go as well. I felt like I kept wanting to drop the ball if I didn't squeeze it. I switched to my smallest thumb insert to try to force myself to keep my hand relaxed, knowing that if I squeeze the ball, I will never get the ball off my hand. On my first ball attempts, I pulled most of my shots, and I did not get the ball off my hand cleanly, and my rev rate was reduced based on what it was with a larger thumb hole. I would attribute this to the thumb just being too small, but on my spare shots, the ball felt much more clean off my hand and my rev rate was back up. This happened every frame but the ninth frame. I was all spares except for a strike in the ninth frame, which was an unlucky strike. I was shooting for an all spare game, and messed up lol

anyway, what would cause the ball to be much cleaner on my spare shots than my first ball shots? any tips for trying to not squeeze the ball? My fit as far as span I assume is accurate, as I go to a very accomplished driller.