Well, I'll chime in here. From what I've seen, the Total Shock & Awe, in box finish, is the grabbiest ball I've ever seen. Mine literally took out the 4-pin the first time I threw it on my normal strike line. Since then, I've polished it up to make it a viable option on a more frequent basis.
The Robo Rule looked good when I've seen it. It's rare to see a particle ball have as much continuation on the backend as that one does.
The Awesome Hook loooks like a good ball, but I don't think it's as strong as the Total Shock & Awe or Robo. It will get down the lane further and offer a sharper backend look. So, if you want the ball for heavy oil, that probably wouldn't be the choice.
Lastly, the Scorchin' looks like a decent oiler, but, again, I don't think it holds a candle to the Total Shock or Robo.
I guess what I'm saying is that I would suggest going with the Total Shock & Awe or Robo Rule. Personally, because I have one that I love, I would go with the Total Shock. I prefer resin to particle. Plus, I think the Total Shock offers more versatility. If you polish it up, the ball becomes a medium heavy condition backend monster!
However, if you truly like particle balls more, then I would go with the only particle that you have listed there, the Robo Rule.
Good luck and good bowling.
I've only bowled 300, but I've benched 345