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Author Topic: Amazing night of Bowling  (Read 1393 times)


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Amazing night of Bowling
« on: March 20, 2008, 04:45:27 AM »
hi, 1st post new to the boards figured i'd post this because it was unbelievable to me. so im bowling in my league on tuesday night when someone in the league on the other side of the bowling alley had an amazing night. First game he goes 300 no big deal ive seen a lot of 300 games. Next game he goes 300 which to me was cool cause i never seen someone go back to back 300 (i've seeen 300 , 299 back to back ) . This is where it gets interesting the last game of his 3 he goes front 8 then finally misses (goes thorugh the head leaving an 8 , spare) then strikes out in the 10 going 278 in his third game. So he ends up missing a 900 series by one shot. Had the first 32 strikes of the night and only had to shoot 1 spare. He finsihed with an 878 series breaking the previous house record of 847. Just was something amazing to watch (even patrick allen and rhyno paige who were at the bowling alley that night were looking on in amazment ) really something i wont forget . just thought i would share with the rest of you guys . thanks



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Re: Amazing night of Bowling
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2008, 12:57:11 PM »
Which house? It had to be on Long Island somewhere. What's the bowlers name?
3 holes of fun!!


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Re: Amazing night of Bowling
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2008, 01:00:26 PM »
it was actually in yonkers ny . it is called homefield bowl . dont remeber bowlers last name but his first name was mike.


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Re: Amazing night of Bowling
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2009, 07:36:08 AM »
That's an amazing set for the 878, and an amazing set for that team!

Bravo to you all!
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"This is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules."


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Re: Amazing night of Bowling
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2009, 08:01:07 AM »
We had a bowler pull that kind of night off last spring.  He went 297, 279, 300 for a house record 876.  He totally ruined the previous house record of 854 (which incidentally was shot against my team on our Wednesday night league).

On a related note, we had a new house record set for high-game by a youth bowler - a 9-year-old put up a 289.  The 'missed' shot was a dead-flush 10-pin.

Props to the bowler in the OP.  That kind of night is so worthy of being savored.


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