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Author Topic: tweeners?  (Read 694 times)


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« on: October 26, 2004, 07:57:51 AM »
i know i'm a disgrace to the bowling world, but what exactly is a tweener? is it between a stroker and cranker or below a stroker or what?



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Re: tweeners?
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2004, 04:14:20 PM »
Tweener ----> "INBEtweener"

So, it's inbetween a cranker and stroker.  Not as clever as it sounds, huh?

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Burak Natal

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Re: tweeners?
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2004, 05:43:09 AM »
Tweener is being used to refer two things as far as I'm concerned.

In both cases, it means exactly "in-between-er"

In terms of rev rate:
Stroker - Tweener - Power Player (can be power stroker or cranker)

In terms of style:
Stroker - Tweener - Cranker
Not as much wrist and elbow manipulation as crankers but more than strokers (or can do both sometimes which Randy Petersen pronounced "Croker" when describing Chris Barnes It was the first time I've heard it)

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