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Author Topic: Two 10 to 10s  (Read 707 times)


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Two 10 to 10s
« on: September 19, 2004, 08:52:55 PM »
Or how different bowling is everywhere one goes.

It seemed a couple of years ago that everywhere I went there was just a nice fun 10 to 10 everywhere.  ANd in general it was predictable fun and one could throw some decent scores with just some moderate warm up time.

Now everyone is into the "Integrity of the game" and putting out tricky little patterns to keep scores respectable.

Anyone I feel after almost a year in a new area I've almost figured out the way to play my local area very light volume oil shots which are long 12 to 12s.

Went back to my old stomping grounds and even though I had killed them last time I had been there with my EGO.  Thought for fun I would take the new killer equipment and play my new play the outside of the pattern shot with my new 1 2 my Sonic Boom and Razor Wire!  

Now on the old stomping ground 10 to 10 with heavy oil in the center but a shorter shot the new balls and new methods just wouldn't work.

Throwing hard up straight up 8 was a folly.

Went inside the pattern with the razor wire which also was a joke on the oil line.  Moved my eyes short threw with a lot of revs for me looking short at the dots and the ball wheeled on a nice swing from 16 at the foul line out to 12 at the arrows out to 8 and wheeled the hole left side and just tore it up.

Amazing how two almost similar patterns on different surfaces with slightly different applications require such different strategies!


PS the Sonic Boom showed just how strong it really is on shorter oil (like 32 feet) this pattern and was unuseable outside the oil line.
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana