Okay, I went to a different pro shop today to see if I could get my eraser fixed (becuase it is in bad shape). And the guy working there said it was unfixable, becuase of a rather large dent or ding in the ball. The problem with this is that I have had those kind of things filled twice before. On on my Flame, and one on my Eraser Blaze, and the one on the blaze was significantly bigger too. It does have a good amount of scatches and all, but my trauma ER was resurfaced and fixed completely and it was in worse shape (after it got caught in the lane machine). Do pro shop guys have fdifferent skill levels or opinions on this or something?
PS: The little dent in the ball was probobly about 2/10 of an inch deep, and the one on the blaze was very large and about 4/10 of an inch deep.
Maelstrom's quote of whenever I feel like changing it (

Ignorance is freedom but freedom is never free.If a true paragon existed, this world would never see the light of hope.