I just got back from bowling 4 practice games...
The first three games constitute my first 600 series
The second game is my high game (previous 224)
The second game is my first clean game (no opens, not even the 12th)
And the end of the 2nd game/beginning of the 3rd is the first time i've thrown more than 5 strikes in a row (was up to 6)...
First thing i did? thanked my driller...
It was just me and one old guy in the whole house, and the driller and guy at the desk said they were watching my 2nd game, and commented that they dont see alot of clean games around here, especially during open bowling...
yay me
In case you were wondering, I did it with:
Strike Ball: Brunswick Power Groove Proactive 14 lbs, 3 3/4inch pin set just right of my ring finger, low revs, track just left of my thumb and middle finger..
Spare Ball: 13 lb Gyro pro
I could have broken 650 easily, but twice i chopped the front off a 6-9 during the 3rd game.