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Author Topic: Two hand rule  (Read 29562 times)


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Two hand rule
« on: October 03, 2014, 09:58:44 AM »
Can someone point me to the section in the USBC rules where it mentions about two handed delivery and if they can use dominant hand in single hand delivery for spares or not. I have heard so many different things just wanted to look for myself. Thanks. 



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Re: Two hand rule
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2014, 10:14:24 AM »
You can shoot spares with or without your thumb the only thing is if you don't use your thumb is that the ball can't have a weight hole and a thumb hole.


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Re: Two hand rule
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2014, 10:21:17 AM »
Commonly Asked Questions – Rule 118b.

118b/3 A bowler is using the two-handed approach. The bowler’s dominate hand is the right hand. Can the bowler use the right hand for spares?

Yes, since both deliveries are with the same dominate hand, the bowler did not change delivery and, therefore, is not in violation of any USBC rules.

118b/4 A player started league bowling right-handed, but later decided to use a two-handed approach. Is this a change of delivery and in violation of Rule 118b?

No, as long as all deliveries are made with the right hand, this would not be a
violation of Rule 118b.

118b/5 What are the requirements of a delivery for a two-handed approach?

A two-handed bowler is required to use the same dominant hand during their delivery on both their first and second shots (this refers to the hand in which the bowling ball rests). They also have the option of utilizing a thumb hole or not—both are acceptable. However, only one set of gripping holes is allowed.

« Last Edit: October 03, 2014, 10:24:51 AM by Aloarjr810 »
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Re: Two hand rule
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2014, 10:24:43 AM »
Some of the things I have heard is if you use two hands, then you must always use two hands even if just shooting 10 or 7 pin.

Then earlier this week I was watching a kids league and one of the young men was a two handed bowler. He eventually became frustrated with the way he was scoring and started to use one hand (same dominant hand) on his first delivery. I was told that it was not illegal because it was a scratch league but he couldn't do that in a handicap league.


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Re: Two hand rule
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2014, 10:33:18 AM »
Some of the things I have heard is if you use two hands, then you must always use two hands even if just shooting 10 or 7 pin.

As long as you use the same dominate hand, you can switch between using one hand or two.

Then earlier this week I was watching a kids league and one of the young men was a two handed bowler. He eventually became frustrated with the way he was scoring and started to use one hand (same dominant hand) on his first delivery. I was told that it was not illegal because it was a scratch league but he couldn't do that in a handicap league.

Scratch or Handicap doesn't figure into whether it's legal or not.

Now if a particular league added their own league rule against it, that would be another story.

A caveat:
Youth leagues: A bowler using a two-handed delivery will establish an average with two hands.
When the bowler changes to a one-handed delivery, they must establish a new average using that hand.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2014, 10:38:45 AM by Aloarjr810 »
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Dave L

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Re: Two hand rule
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2014, 10:45:02 AM »
With the update to the drilling of balls for no thumb bowlers, you would not be able to use the same ball for two hands and one handed.  The new rules for drilling on no thumb balls changes the grip center to the fingers and not the center of the palm. IF the ball was drilled for two handed delivery, no thumb, it would more than likely not meet the static weights to be legal for a one hand delivery with the thumb being used.


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Re: Two hand rule
« Reply #6 on: October 03, 2014, 12:22:15 PM »
Dave L,

Just a thought.  As a Father with two sons now bowling two handed  bowlers I have thought about that some.  How to make the ball legal for both a thumb and no thumb delivery.

Or another way of stating it I believed that when bowling two handed the ball must have thumb weight in relation to the bridge center of about 1/2 ounce and when bowling with a thumb in the ball the finger weight in relation to the grip ce I am curious.nter must be about 1/2 ounce.

How to do it?  I believe the answer is lower top weight balls for two handers right near 2 ounces!  Then the ball can be legal for both styles.  This way the cg can be put up from grip center and down from bridge about 1/2 of the way and accomplish the objective.  (Of course there is another way to get there also with a 2 ounce top weight ball).

On Edit after reading Aloarjr810's comments above I have replaced my questions with thanks to him for the clarification!  Thanks Aloarjr810.

Luckily both my sons use plastic and continue to throw two handed for spares.


« Last Edit: October 03, 2014, 12:39:50 PM by LuckyLefty »
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Re: Two hand rule
« Reply #7 on: October 03, 2014, 08:07:08 PM »
if a ball is scaled out for a NO thumber it can still be legal for a bowler that uses his thumb ( I know this for a fact  because I have scaled every balll since the new rule was made and its legal both ways you put it on the scale) . I have been drilling up equipment for over 25 years and all of my ball have had a thumb hole in them so it would still fit my hand if I ever wanted to throw the ball with my thumb in it if I decided too. ON the new rule it does help a lot if your to have equipment with no more then 2.5oz of top weight if your wanting to go pin up on your drilling layout.  I had a few balls that had a weight hole in them and all I had to do to fix the side weight was to plug the hole and drill the ring finger deeper to make it legal under the new rule of the center of my fingers instead of the middle of my span.  Trust me   a NO thumber has less options now on how there able to drill up there equipment do to the new rule on gripping holes. But 1 things for sure there are still ways around this rule to make balls legal with out a weight hole, How do I know this  I have found at least 3 different ways to do it so far and IM sure ill find more with more time. the rule states you cant have a weight hole but it allows you to have a pinky hole as a weight hole if your pinky can fit in that hole ;)  as long as IM able to put my 1st finger in 1 hole and my middle finger in the 2nd hole I can have my pinky fit in a normal weight hole as long as its with in stretching your hand out and the hole can be any size you'd like as long as your able to show your able to put fingers in all the holes and it does not say you have to throw it that way though :)  just deminstrate your able to get your fingers in the holes is all. like I said from day 1 on this new rule, there are still ways around it and always will be. USBS should of just pulled up there big boy pants and said  the CG had to be with in 1" of your center of grip  with NO weight hole what so ever and then everyones is on the same playing feild but they didnt and they totally missed it on this new rule. Its all good still because IM still able to put my CG more than 1" way from my center of finger  holes and I can still make the ball legal with a pinky hole as my weight hole, so what did USBC thought they had it all figured out when they really didnt.    I call that a swing and a miss  LMAO
If you want it, go after it and make it happen.  If you don't, you have no one to blame but yourself....or maybe your just not throwing the right equipment  :)

Dave L

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Re: Two hand rule
« Reply #8 on: October 05, 2014, 09:34:09 AM »
Totally agree with S-70 and Lefty, just wanted to clarify that mrfrostee had more to worry about other than his original concern.  Thanks gentlemen for shining some more light on the subject, and yep I definitely agree with the 1" cg statement. 


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Re: Two hand rule
« Reply #9 on: October 05, 2014, 10:47:05 AM »
I can't see USBC making the 1: CG rule because it will effect more bowlers that use there thumbs an thats not the USBC is trying to fix LOL  they made a atempt to clarify the rule better and that back fired on them if you ask me..  if USBC made this rule that the CG had to be with in 1" of the CG line there would be way to many balls out there that would have to be fixed and the cost would be outragest and I just dont see that happening.  IF the USBC is more worried about 2 handers and no thumb bowlers when there are bigger concers i think they really need to focus on like how do you change a nother rule on awards almost at the end of a season  which was 3 months prior to aug 1st.. if you threw a 800 set or a 300 game in the 2014 season then that would be the last 1 youll ever get unless you pay for them from here on out. How messed up is this? VERY!!!!  I guess if there not going to be giving out rings that means the cost of USBC memberships should lower yes? I highly doubt that either. they will save tons of money on awards alone and do you think as USBC members it will bennifit us the bowlers in any way?  I cant see that it will.. just another rule USBC messed up with and how they went about it.. It will be good to get someone new in there next season thats for sure...  Just a nother point on how the USBC  tryes to always change things mid stream and put a kink in things.. 
« Last Edit: October 05, 2014, 10:55:58 AM by S-70BreakPearl »
If you want it, go after it and make it happen.  If you don't, you have no one to blame but yourself....or maybe your just not throwing the right equipment  :)