It goes without mention that a large cause to the decline in the sport of bowling and leagues especially is the growing age of the bowling population. It has been mentioned several times on this site. The problem doesn't seem to be youth bowling, the problem is converting those youth members into future adult members. Granted, without a high school bowling program, you are going to lose the vast majority of the youth during their high school days. This is due to high school sports and other activities. However, once they go to college, most of those 'one time' youth bowlers do not play a college sport and/or participate in very many clubs or activities.
This leads up to my question: why is there not a greater effort by proprietors/managers to target these college students? Target them during their college days, get them in a league, then when they graduate and get a job in the area, there will be a much greater chance of them joining an adult league. Obviously I am talking about the students who don't already bowl or have never done it before. We focus to much on the people who are "already" bowlers.
So, how do we target this age group? I can think of several ideas.
1.) Create a college league or a "young professional" league where there is an age limit, say 21-30. Have it on a thursday night (most college kids don't have class on friday) or even thursday afternoon. Work out a deal with the school and possibly get a bus to take the students from the dorms to the alley and vice versa. Schools are always trying to get students active and eliminate drunk driving. This is perfect. Run the league using the college calender (i.e. start in september, take a "winter break" and then end at the end of April). It may be a shorter league with lower fees, but think of it as more an investment in your leagues future.
It might be tough to get the students to try it for the first time. I believe it would be beneficial to have an advocate, preferably a college student who already enjoys bowling. Tell the student that for every 10 students he/she gets to join the league, you will pay for 10 weeks of their bowling or whatever kind of a deal you can work out. There needs to be an incentive though.
2.) Have a special deal on friday night or saturday night that is specifically for this age group. Say buy two get one free, or $2 games with proof of college ID.
Maybe proprietors have tried this, although if they have, I have never seen it. Seems to me as though losing the bowlers during high school is inevitable. So why not target them when they are in college and about ready to enter the "adult world"? Curious on others ideas/thoughts?
Similar to most of you on this website love the sport of bowling. I am always trying to get people to try it for the first time. I don't want to see our sport slowly die, I want to see it grow and prosper.