They are not as good as the hype makes them out to be. Give them a boat load of friction and they will run you over because they can throw it harder than you can.
On a level playing field, they are just as good as the rest of the bowlers out there, but they are not super human or has some kinda super human skill that will change the game. They stink when they stink, like any other bowler who doesn't match up well to the condition.
I don't think either one of the golden children two handers are as good as they are hyped up by the industry. They are not super stars by any stretch of the imagination. They have talent, no question but they are good professional bowlers, just like the rest of the tour are.
There seems to be a growing notion that rev rates are what you need to become an elite bowler. That you need to have this un-godly high rev rate to play and you need 20+ mph ball speed.
History has shown us that high rev rates don't mean very much, nor does guys who throw it 20+ mph. The best bowlers will always be the ones who have versatility and can trick their ball roll. Doesn't matter how many hands you use.
Edited by The Dreaded Durbin on 1/13/2011 at 9:54 PM
Edited by The Dreaded Durbin on 1/13/2011 at 9:58 PM