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Author Topic: Two Handed Bowlers  (Read 17859 times)


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Two Handed Bowlers
« on: January 13, 2011, 07:20:39 AM »
What are your thoughts on two handed bowlers such as, Jason Belmonte? I personally don't like them at all, I think it should be illegal in any kind of sanctioned play. 



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Re: Two Handed Bowlers
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2011, 04:30:14 PM »
Well WHY do you think that?  You ask for our thoughts but really don't give your own reason for not liking them.  
Personally, I'm all for it.  I'm not a two hander, but I think it's a fair way to bowl.  It doesn't give them any unfair advantage because it is a style anyone can learn if they want to, unless you have a physical handicap.  
I just think bowlers like to complain.  Whether it be able leftys having an advantage, scores being too high, balls being to strong, we just like to whine.   


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Re: Two Handed Bowlers
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2011, 05:16:21 PM »

I find 2 handed bowlers very interesting to watch on TV. I have yet to see a bowler in my bowling Centers use the technique. I doubt if one could gain consistency with 2 handed very quickly. I see no legitimate reason for baring these bowlers from tournaments! I don't think there are many interested in the technique .. but I'm not to active with Junior bowlers!

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Re: Two Handed Bowlers
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2011, 05:27:33 PM »
They're the same as anyone.We have a kid who throws two handed in our Pba league that avg.228 on a house shot and can barely hit 174avg

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Re: Two Handed Bowlers
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2011, 05:42:35 PM »
Still don't know why it's called two handed bowling being the left hand (right handed bowler) does nothing to the ball.


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Re: Two Handed Bowlers
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2011, 06:12:42 PM »

Thats really funny

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Re: Two Handed Bowlers
« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2011, 06:43:20 PM »
I believe it is very similar to a two handed backhand in Tennis.


Both hands are used until JUST before the release, the area creating advantage of no thumb bowling is added but with ADVANTAGE of a guiding hand to give more revs, speed, and accuracy.


To paraphrase As I believe Mo Pinel has been quoted....."We are going to wonder in the future WHY some old codger is throwing 1 handed!" 







PS I don't do it!  Wish I did!

It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Two Handed Bowlers
« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2011, 07:15:18 PM »
You guys have got to wake up and smell the coffee! This style is gonna be the future of bowling. You know what there is a country teaching this style to all the youth bowlers, furthur than that, so much research is being studied on this two handed style that create an unbelievable rev. rate. If you had never watch them bowl (Jason, Osku and Cassidy to name a few), better watch again and watch very closely.


Edited by i84e on 1/13/2011 at 8:17 PM
Edited by i84e on 1/13/2011 at 10:32 PM


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Re: Two Handed Bowlers
« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2011, 07:52:04 PM »
 Why is it not called palm bowling? Thats what it was called when I started bowling. The left hand if your right handed does not put any more revs on the ball it comes off just before release.


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Re: Two Handed Bowlers
« Reply #9 on: January 13, 2011, 08:40:28 PM »
As long as spare shooting is still needed and accuracy I don't think one handed bowling is going anywhere.


How many tv shows have been won by the new two handed style of bowling vs the conventional? (going back however far two handed bowling has been done on tour)


If it was that big of an advantage even with a much smaller group using two hands there would be a much clearer advantage noticed. I've seen bowlers with one hand and no thumb get extremely high rev rates(like two handed bowlers) still there is many times and places where it doesn't work.


It is an easy way for less skilled bowlers at first to get some high games and more revs no doubt. But like anything what separates the good from the best is the skill level. I would say that looking at the pros it is clear the advantage is limited by the shot available on the lanes.

Be good, or be good at it.
Edited by kidlost2000 on 1/13/2011 at 9:45 PM
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.

The Dreaded Durbin

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Re: Two Handed Bowlers
« Reply #10 on: January 13, 2011, 08:47:16 PM »
They are not as good as the hype makes them out to be.  Give them a boat load of friction and they will run you over because they can throw it harder than you can.
On a level playing field, they are just as good as the rest of the bowlers out there, but they are not super human or has some kinda super human skill that will change the game.  They stink when they stink, like any other bowler who doesn't match up well to the condition.
I don't think either one of the golden children two handers are as good as they are hyped up by the industry.  They are not super stars by any stretch of the imagination. They have talent, no question but they are good professional bowlers, just like the rest of the tour are.
There seems to be a growing notion that rev rates are what you need to become an elite bowler.  That you need to have this un-godly high rev rate to play and you need 20+ mph ball speed.   
History has shown us that high rev rates don't mean very much, nor does guys who throw it 20+ mph.   The best bowlers will always be the ones who have versatility and can trick their ball roll.  Doesn't matter how many hands you use.

Edited by The Dreaded Durbin on 1/13/2011 at 9:54 PM
Edited by The Dreaded Durbin on 1/13/2011 at 9:58 PM


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Re: Two Handed Bowlers
« Reply #11 on: January 13, 2011, 08:51:55 PM »
"I've seen bowlers with one hand and no thumb get extremely high rev rates(like two handed bowlers) still there is many times and places where it doesn't work."

What?! They're the samething it just depends on when that left hand if they're right handed come off the ball! Some do it sooner and some later.


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Re: Two Handed Bowlers
« Reply #12 on: January 13, 2011, 10:04:05 PM »
Have no problem with it. Do think that there needs to be a rule modification. Need to make it clear as to what handed they are just like with one handers. Say you primary hand is right then you are a righty and vise versa. It's not a problem right now but can see some time in the future someone going lefty 2 hand for average but then righty 2 hand for tourneys. Or righty for left spares and lefty for right side spares.

Bowling is like life. Sometimes you are the ball. Other times you are the pins.


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Re: Two Handed Bowlers
« Reply #13 on: January 13, 2011, 10:06:43 PM »
The ones I've seen with no thumb don't use two hands once the down swing starts. According to Belmonte he uses his left hand to guide the ball through release and add revs to the ball. So bowling with two hands and bowling with no thumb would not be the same thing.

Be good, or be good at it.
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.


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Re: Two Handed Bowlers
« Reply #14 on: January 13, 2011, 10:21:43 PM »

 Here is a vid of Belmo and watch at 1:11 you will see no left hand on the the ball and two fingers still in the ball so with that the LEFT had does nothing to the ball and by the way I used to be a " Two Handed Bowler" and I use my thumb now.


kidlost2000 wrote on 1/13/2011 11:06 PM:
The ones I've seen with no thumb don't use two hands once the down swing starts. According to Belmonte he uses his left hand to guide the ball through release and add revs to the ball. So bowling with two hands and bowling with no thumb would not be the same thing.

Be good, or be good at it.

Edited by bltbyj on 1/13/2011 at 11:21 PM