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Author Topic: Two Handed Bowlers  (Read 17871 times)


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Two Handed Bowlers
« on: January 13, 2011, 07:20:39 AM »
What are your thoughts on two handed bowlers such as, Jason Belmonte? I personally don't like them at all, I think it should be illegal in any kind of sanctioned play. 



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Re: Two Handed Bowlers
« Reply #16 on: January 13, 2011, 10:29:22 PM »
Here's another one. What does Belmo say about the left hand? That's right it doesn't do anything it's just a guide and comes off before release.



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Re: Two Handed Bowlers
« Reply #17 on: January 13, 2011, 10:37:34 PM »
In one of his interviews on espn he mentions using his left hand to guide the ball and to add revs. If you watch when he is in deep and adds loft to the ball. His left hand doesn't just fall away from the ball. Same for Osku. When they hit up on the ball they use both hands.

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Re: Two Handed Bowlers
« Reply #18 on: January 13, 2011, 11:33:19 PM »
Well let's see what the man himself has to say. I sent Belmo a message on his web site and I'll post his answer here.

kidlost2000 wrote on 1/13/2011 11:37 PM:
In one of his interviews on espn he mentions using his left hand to guide the ball and to add revs. If you watch when he is in deep and adds loft to the ball. His left hand doesn't just fall away from the ball. Same for Osku. When they hit up on the ball they use both hands.

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Re: Two Handed Bowlers
« Reply #19 on: January 14, 2011, 09:03:18 AM »
"Two handed" is simply a way to bowl thumbless without using a tremendous amount of wrist cock.  It's for the young limberbacks who learned that way as children.  --  JohnP


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Re: Two Handed Bowlers
« Reply #20 on: January 14, 2011, 09:21:51 AM »
I really can't speak on 2 handed bowling but I am a 2 fingered bowler who does carry a spare ball..    I have seen allot of 2 handed bowlers and the difference between them and my style is they are able to get the ball down the lane allot faster.


The advantage is 2 the person who has the right equipment for that lane and can make the proper adjustments..  Man up and dont worry about rules.. 

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Re: Two Handed Bowlers
« Reply #21 on: January 16, 2011, 02:59:03 AM »
Bottom line you do what you have to, to keep in the game.. Theres pros and cons for two handed bowling. Me I like two handed bowling, but hard to get that speed 18 mph and beyond, thats probably more me, the revs are easy, you can get a pretty simple 3 ball set up, and away you go, but it all comes down to consistancy and thats what the game is all about.. Have changed my bowling 2 years now to two handed, and loving it.. Its not for everybody, and takes time..


I don't know why people disrespect the technique?  


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Re: Two Handed Bowlers
« Reply #22 on: January 16, 2011, 06:03:32 AM »
This seems to be a soar topic with many.  For me, I really don't have a strong opinion on it.  As some have said, most anybody can learn the technique if they feel let down by their own "one-handed" method.  When I was growing up, it was just something that kids did for fun. 
Today, the Juniors are intrigued by it.  They are still learning how to roll the ball properly one-handed and some have low revs so the prospect of gaining so many revs and a big hook is too enticing.  One local junior is just as good and accurate with one-hand as he is with two-hands.  However, revs do kick out a lot of pins so he's always a bit conflicted.  Yet, he only competes one-handed. 
There is a reason why the rev rate for pros is 400 on average.  You either are the most accurate bowler in the world, ala WRW or Norm Duke, or you get the revs to make up for a little bit of inaccuracy.  Those revs and speed definitely increase carry, no question.  Whether you need 600 as compared to 400 is questionable.
Once your at that stage though, you should really be focused on learning to be more accurate.
Honestly, if it brings more interest to the sport, I'm all for it.  

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Re: Two Handed Bowlers
« Reply #23 on: January 17, 2011, 06:19:25 PM »
i think it's neat to watch and if it gets more people to the lanes so be it.they still have to find control and repeat shots like the rest of us.the 2 big 2 handers in the pros belmonte and palarmo,seem to be promoting thier style and the pba well.i have a guy on my squad the plays with it and does quite well in practice. i think hes gonna do a summer league throwing 2 handed and see how he will be interesting to watch....


at the end of the day i want to see more people bowling so my home lanes don't shut down :( allready closed sunday,monday and tuesday.... the writings on the wall,and the closest center otherwise is 45 minutes away.

so one handed/2 handed or bowling with your knee i dont care just get out there!!!


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Re: Two Handed Bowlers
« Reply #24 on: January 17, 2011, 08:31:50 PM »
For me, its no fun watching a 2 handed bowler on TV.  Really can't pick up anything unless you also throw it 2 handed.  Also, I think this style needs to be around for awhile.  No one really knows how much strain you body is under throwing it 2 handed for a number of years.  2 handed bowlers have a lot of moving parts.


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Re: Two Handed Bowlers
« Reply #25 on: January 18, 2011, 05:41:15 AM »
 Something that I have been wondering the last few weeks watching them on t.v. is this....What advantage are they creating when they constantly have to shell down to urethane and plastic?

I firmly believe that Belmo lost to Haugen in the W.C. because he was throwing urethane. As soon as he took a small step left he started pinging 10 pins. Watched Osku look completely lost Sunday against Barnes because he was trying to play straight.

I will take Chris Barnes, Norm Duke, or even Haugen's game over the two handed style any day of the week. Guys that can play different parts of the lane with hand or technique changes without having to go to urethane or plastic.



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Re: Two Handed Bowlers
« Reply #26 on: January 18, 2011, 11:44:21 AM »
Those most important thing dealing with bowling is reading the lane...


The first person that locates a line he/she can play will win the Game..  Just cause you bowl with no thumb, two hands or even 3 finger anybody can may adjustments and the ball reaction will change.. I could have been serveral this that was affecting his game that day but a different way of bowling is coming..  Get your game ready...

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Re: Two Handed Bowlers
« Reply #27 on: December 08, 2011, 08:39:12 AM »
 Nothing wrong with two handed bowling I have been bowling this way for 22 years. Two handed palm bowlers do not have any advantage over traditional style bowling. If anything the traditional bowler has more of an advantage due to they can play straighter up the lanes when need be. Also the ones saying you get more speed on the ball two handed your wrong. With my thumb in the ball I throw about 19.6 two handed and thing is out it's st 17.2. So those of you who hate us because we bowl different I feel bad for you. We still have to be accurate and pick up our spares just like you.


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Re: Two Handed Bowlers
« Reply #28 on: December 08, 2011, 06:54:32 PM »
Just to set the record straight. Two handed bowlers do not impart rotation with their second hand. If they do, they are breaking USBC rules .... You are only allowed to impart rotation to the ball with one hand. period. Two handed is the same as no thumb. It provides an advantage on certain conditions and a disadvantage on others. I also like how the original poster hasn't posted anything since. How pathetic his life must be ....



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Re: Two Handed Bowlers
« Reply #29 on: December 24, 2011, 04:13:10 PM »
 I have a left handed friend who doesn't use his thumb. When he bowls you can tell he doesn't use his thumb but it doesn't look two handed. When he was bowling competitively he averagedl around 205-10. I had no problems with the style, it actually was the way I initially learned how to throw a hook. I went to using 3 fingers after I bought my first ball. Now years later I find myself interested in learning. I don't get a whole lot of revs on the ball, nor do I have very much speed. I have an excuse at least for the moment to make the switch because I jammed all three of my bowling fingers playing flag football. It hurts like he!! To throw the ball right now. I got curious and went to the center and attempted 2 handed...77,162,166, and the next day 142 198, 173 It wasn't easy to control the ball that's for sure. Most of my strikes were brooklyn, the ones that hit the pocket were money, but when I got close but not quite I left a lot of splits. So I deduce that two handed bowlers are no different than one hand bowlers other than the fact they will produce more revs and speed than they would if they used one hand. My .02 take it or leave it. I may go to 2 hands, but right now im 3x better using one. Heck I might just use both! Unless there's a rule against it.

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Re: Two Handed Bowlers
« Reply #30 on: December 31, 2011, 02:50:19 PM »
 I have been bowling two handed for so long that I practically wrote the book on two handed bowling. When I started bowling with two hands you never saw another person at the house bowling like that. Now it's like a fade everyone is learning how to throw that way. I just want to say my left hand  does not create revs . Go to you tube and type in two handed bowler Robert Rutledge. you can see left hand is nothing more than balanc