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Author Topic: Two-handed bowling  (Read 7274 times)


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Two-handed bowling
« on: October 24, 2008, 06:36:43 AM »
I wonder what you think of two-handed bowling. Jason Belmonte just finished first in the qualifications for the World Championship this week. His average 233.93 is way over anybody. Norm Duke, whom I consider as the greatest bowler at this time averaged only... 225.04. Do you think that two-handed bowling is easier? Are there any two-handed bowlers in your centers? How do they fare? Do you think that youngsters who are considering bowling as a career should go two-handed?




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Re: Two-handed bowling
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2008, 03:01:52 PM »
i think 2 handers will dominate bowling in the years to come

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Re: Two-handed bowling
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2008, 03:15:51 PM »
I bowl 2 handed. Its a lot harder to learn to do it the right way than bowling normal, yes you get revs auto but the thing is getting your form and everything perfect otherwise your not going to be any good and learning how to control the revs is a big thing to learn also. I have around 550 when I really wack it but around 450-475 normal strike ball at 18 mph but can get that up to aroudn 21 if I have to. I'm 17, have a 223 current average, 220 book, have 5 300 games, 1 800 series (801), 3 299's and 3 290's. I'm the only one around here that does it, some try but cant.
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Re: Two-handed bowling
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2008, 09:47:52 AM »
I think it's fun to watch these bowlers as they can shoot some game but I wonder if it will stand the test of time.the style looks very awkward and would a bowler with this style be able to bowl like that for many years or is it hard on the body.I have never seen this type of bowling in person but think it's great to see bowlers inventing new styles,more power to them.
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Re: Two-handed bowling
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2008, 10:22:01 AM »
theres a guy at my center who bowls with 2 hands. although he just started he is actually doing pretty well with his 2 handed style. i still help him out a bit with hand positions to get more or less reaction then he needs but still not too bad. it is very hard to try if your used to the traditional 1 handed bowling since they use a different style to get to the line. they use the step step skip skip skip style. if your interested ill add the link to an article explaining how to bowl with 2 hands. its pretty interesting.


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Re: Two-handed bowling
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2008, 10:23:19 AM »
It's really only for people that are pretty coordinated and athletic.  I see people trying it that aren't athletic and it looks terrible.  It's a great way to generate ridiculous power, but only if your body can handle the stress.

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Re: Two-handed bowling
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2008, 11:18:52 AM »
t's really only for people that are pretty coordinated and athletic. I see people trying it that aren't athletic and it looks terrible.

Sounds like you were watching me when I tried it.
I agree that it does take some coordination, and flexability. My problem is that my body doesn't bend far enough to either have a straight armswing while keeping both hands on the ball, or I need a bent elbow and can't generate any ball speed.

I still try it once in awhile, but I think you'll mainly see it with the younger crowd.

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Re: Two-handed bowling
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2008, 11:54:54 AM »
I know a young man that grew up doing 2 handed bowling because when he was little he was throwing a ball way too heavy for him. Now he is his 20's and he just wrecks them. He bowled 3 300's and 845 in the last week and half. Last year he avg in the 240's.

I enjoy watching him bowl, but IMO 2 handed release should not be a legal delivery.


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Re: Two-handed bowling
« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2008, 12:11:15 PM »
I know a young man that grew up doing 2 handed bowling because when he was little he was throwing a ball way too heavy for him. Now he is his 20's and he just wrecks them. He bowled 3 300's and 845 in the last week and half. Last year he avg in the 240's.

I enjoy watching him bowl, but IMO 2 handed release should not be a legal delivery.

Why should it be illegal?? Some people have physical limitations, and they cant throw normally. What about the people that palm the ball and use no thumb?
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Re: Two-handed bowling
« Reply #9 on: October 25, 2008, 12:50:41 PM »
I have no problem with it, I love watching him and others bowl like it. I'm just old school and the game was based on throwing the ball with one hand.

I know a young man that grew up doing 2 handed bowling because when he was little he was throwing a ball way too heavy for him. Now he is his 20's and he just wrecks them. He bowled 3 300's and 845 in the last week and half. Last year he avg in the 240's.

I enjoy watching him bowl, but IMO 2 handed release should not be a legal delivery.

Why should it be illegal?? Some people have physical limitations, and they cant throw normally. What about the people that palm the ball and use no thumb?
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Re: Two-handed bowling
« Reply #10 on: October 25, 2008, 12:52:41 PM »
I bowl 2 handed and I use my thumb, its not all about hooking the ball its about scoring and doing what it takes to win, yea I can make the ball hook 40 boards if I want to, but with the same ball I can make it hook 2 to 3 boards, and thats what puts apart the 2 handers and the good two handers, people that put us down are jealous in all honesty, the ones that are saying its illegal are either too old to do it or are people stuck in the mud saying that the sport is done in one way and cant be done in a different way or its "wrong" and should be illegal.
people who bowl two-handed just means all they want to do is hook the ball and they cant do it with their thumb i mean dam if i bowled with two fingers i could hook the ball 5 lanes its stupid and pointless has no meaning

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Re: Two-handed bowling
« Reply #11 on: October 25, 2008, 01:00:24 PM »
I bowl 2 handed and I use my thumb, its not all about hooking the ball its about scoring and doing what it takes to win, yea I can make the ball hook 40 boards if I want to, but with the same ball I can make it hook 2 to 3 boards, and thats what puts apart the 2 handers and the good two handers, people that put us down are jealous in all honesty, the ones that are saying its illegal are either too old to do it or are people stuck in the mud saying that the sport is done in one way and cant be done in a different way or its "wrong" and should be illegal.
people who bowl two-handed just means all they want to do is hook the ball and they cant do it with their thumb i mean dam if i bowled with two fingers i could hook the ball 5 lanes its stupid and pointless has no meaning

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I have to agree with you here, i'm not a 2hander but have experimented with it and really want to try it out for a summer league. Its very interesting and fascinating to watch someone that knows what they are doing go about the game with that style. I have nothing against those that do it because from limited work with it is much harder than crank ball and strike, there is a lot of accuracy and many other factors that go into it, its almost like switching hands, takes a lot more work than people think.
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Re: Two-handed bowling
« Reply #12 on: October 25, 2008, 07:33:50 PM »
I bowl 2 handed and I use my thumb, its not all about hooking the ball its about scoring and doing what it takes to win, yea I can make the ball hook 40 boards if I want to, but with the same ball I can make it hook 2 to 3 boards, and thats what puts apart the 2 handers and the good two handers, people that put us down are jealous in all honesty, the ones that are saying its illegal are either too old to do it or are people stuck in the mud saying that the sport is done in one way and cant be done in a different way or its "wrong" and should be illegal.
people who bowl two-handed just means all they want to do is hook the ball and they cant do it with their thumb i mean dam if i bowled with two fingers i could hook the ball 5 lanes its stupid and pointless has no meaning

Dream as if you'll live forever Live as if you'll die today!!

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I have to agree with you here, i'm not a 2hander but have experimented with it and really want to try it out for a summer league. Its very interesting and fascinating to watch someone that knows what they are doing go about the game with that style. I have nothing against those that do it because from limited work with it is much harder than crank ball and strike, there is a lot of accuracy and many other factors that go into it, its almost like switching hands, takes a lot more work than people think.

Yep, I've been doing it since I was 3 years old, wayyy before any of this stuff came out about it (Im only 17 now), but it was way before anyone knew who Belmo or Osku was. I caught a lot of flack from the local pro's and hotshots that thought there was only one way to bowl, now there saying how far I've come when they look at the scoreboard and someone doing it "the wrong way" is beating them. Feels good after all the years.
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Re: Two-handed bowling
« Reply #13 on: October 25, 2008, 07:56:19 PM »
I think I have heard that Mo Pinel things it is going to be the way of the future.

My two sons both naturally went to it when they started bowling before 5.  Some old school instructor switched (the older one )him off it and now he's trying it again.....I think it looks great.

Instead of switching to left handed I wished I had gone to right handed two hand(I may).  I don't know how coordinated I am but I'm older than many on this board and I think it is easy to learn even at my age!  Scoring...not sure yet!

I believe in a some years people are going to say if they still see it...
"Is that guy really throwing one handed?....What's the matter with him???


PS everyone that I see do it on a top hat looks like their average COULD jump 20 to 30 pins except the already great!  As to sport idea...
Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..

Edited on 10/27/2008 12:20 PM
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Re: Two-handed bowling
« Reply #14 on: October 25, 2008, 08:45:46 PM »
Its not that easy just to pick up and do it especially for older people it will take its toll on your hips and lower backvery fast, you have to be athletic and coordinated to do it and do it well. Give it a shot, just have seen some older people almost hurt themselves really bad trying it after watching me do it.
I think I have heard that Mo Pinel things it is going to be the way of the future.

My two sons both naturally went to it when they started bowling before 5.  Some old school instructor switched him off it and now he's trying it again.....I think it looks great.

Instead of switching to left handed I wished I had gone to right handed two hand(I may).  I don't know how coordinated I am but I'm older than many on this board and I think it is easy to learn even at my age!  Scoring...not sure yet!

I believe in a some years people are going to say if they still see it...
"Is that guy really throwing one handed?....What's the matter with him???


PS everyone that I see do it on a top hat looks like their average COULD jump 20 to 30 pins except the already great!  As to sport idea...
Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..

480 rpms
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