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Author Topic: Two handed bowling.. Is it all that its cracked up to be?  (Read 6641 times)


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Two handed bowling.. Is it all that its cracked up to be?
« on: January 31, 2009, 10:21:52 PM »
Tried the two handed delivery for this week (bowled 16 games), very interesting, definately some good points about it.. I guess it makes me wonder now after seeing an increase in two handers in league will this continue (mostly from youngsters), although I would me interested in trying it for a three month period myself.

Saw a young guy pick his av up 30 pins within a season with this technique.. That is very impressive.

Love your thoughts on whether the speed/power/rev count/angle of entry VERSUS stress on body is worth it all.. I'm typing this as I sit here with a sore hip!
Obviously the physicality of this delivery is its main negative.

Belmonte and Oska are just two who spring to mind.. Yet they are in their early to mid 20's I think...

Any chiropracters/doctors who might like to add their thoughts on this would be most welcome
Take care



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Re: Two handed bowling.. Is it all that its cracked up to be?
« Reply #16 on: February 02, 2009, 06:02:23 PM »
 You're right in that there's no one correct way to bowl.Whatever knocks down the pins. The kids today see the two handed guys carry everything they hit and if they miss a spare,the thinking is that they'll just strike more to make it up.
 Simply put,they won't learn until they lose a tournament by missing that spare.
 JTTDB---Just Throw The Damn Ball
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Re: Two handed bowling.. Is it all that its cracked up to be?
« Reply #17 on: February 03, 2009, 02:59:19 PM »
It should be illegal

go away somehwere and never come back until you can offer a opinion worth something.. its not our fault that 2 handers are better than you.


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Re: Two handed bowling.. Is it all that its cracked up to be?
« Reply #18 on: February 03, 2009, 05:50:18 PM »
There is currently no 2-Handed bowlers that I know of in my immediate area but I have seen this style a few years back. I'm not against it nor am I for it. I've played around with the approach for a few games. It is definately alot more stressful on the body, especially my lower back. As soon as I felt any discomfort I stopped. The 2-Handed style has a life expectancy but how long that is has yet to be proven.

Years back there was a bowling style that was popular in Asia. Could still be popular but I havn't seen or heard about it that much in a while. These guys would spin the ball in such a way that it would mix up the pins and could carry most of the time. The real term is Helicopter Release. These bowlers only had a life span of 10-20 years before the tendens in your wrist gave out. Heres a clip of the spinner/helicopter style:
Mike Zadler
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Re: Two handed bowling.. Is it all that its cracked up to be?
« Reply #19 on: February 03, 2009, 06:01:51 PM »
I personally could give a crap about the 2hand release, i generate enough power and revs one handed, so why should i go 2handed?

I mean if going 2handed was such an advantage why isnt Osku and Belmonte on the PBA tour??????????????   Or why isnt more guys on tour doing the 2handed delivery?
" Lift Your Skirt Grab Your Balls and Learn How to Bowl "
" Lift your skirt, grab your balls and learn how to bowl "


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Re: Two handed bowling.. Is it all that its cracked up to be?
« Reply #20 on: February 03, 2009, 10:24:50 PM »
No one is asking anyone to change their style here. This style is a new generation in its early stages still. Give it another few years and you will start seeing teams who are all 2 handed left and right handed. I personally say, "More power to em!"
Mike Zadler
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Re: Two handed bowling.. Is it all that its cracked up to be?
« Reply #21 on: February 04, 2009, 05:43:20 AM »
Firstly thank you to all contributors on this post.

I have given it more of a go, I have begun to get more of a forward roll hook release if this makes any sense, and the strike rate when it hits the pocket is pretty good (this is with a modest angle of entry),but lighter hits seem to carry that little better. Physically, hip is better (must have tried a tad too hard last week), and whilst I'm only getting around 15 mph for the moment, no problems.. Scores eratic at present, yet I can see some pluses in this style..

Curious though, about release, if I come from under the ball, and rip it up, ball really revs up, but slides long time down the lane often leaving multiple pins for my second shot per frame, when I use fingers with no additional help from wrist, Its kind of like Spiderman, casting a web, my palm is very open upon release, helping with forward axis rotation, ball appears to be revving considerably less, yet when it gets into its hook stage, really drives through..
Is this the correct release position? Open palm, the Spiderman thingy, it feels unusual to release like this, my track seems a little further away from the normal semi roller position too..

Additional to the two handers out there, or anyone in the know, to attain the speed that Oska/Belmo shoot,which is around 1.90 - 2.10 sec approx on most shots, how much comes from the arm on the downswing? Is this where the potential for back injuries occur, in attempting to throw the ball this hard, with such a reliance on the twisting of your torso?

Have bowled close on two weeks with this technique, mainly as an experimant as a result of having a weaker release with poor speed, i have found it is certainly interesting enough for me to continue at least for a couple of months or so.

I can understand that ceratin bowlers take issue with this, I guess I am intrigued by the style and also the increasing popularity and increased scoring of your humble league bowlers out there! (to which I am one)

Advice always appreciated, as I'm sure that there may be many others out there considering this style of bowling.
Take care


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Re: Two handed bowling.. Is it all that its cracked up to be?
« Reply #22 on: February 04, 2009, 05:46:46 AM »
I have given it more of a go, I have begun to get more of a forward roll hook release if this makes any sense, and the strike rate when it hits the pocket is pretty good (this is with a modest angle of entry),but lighter hits seem to carry that little better. Physically, hip is better (must have tried a tad too hard last week), and whilst I'm only getting around 15 mph for the moment, no problems.. Scores eratic at present, yet I can see some pluses in this style..

Curious though, about release, if I come from under the ball, and rip it up, ball really revs up, but slides long time down the lane often leaving multiple pins for my second shot per frame, when I use fingers with no additional help from wrist, Its kind of like Spiderman, casting a web, my palm is very open upon release, helping with forward axis rotation, ball appears to be revving considerably less, yet when it gets into its hook stage, really drives through..
Is this the correct release position? Open palm, the Spiderman thingy, it feels unusual to release like this, my track seems a little further away from the normal semi roller position too..
Any advice on this,always appreciated.

Additional to the two handers out there, or anyone in the know, to attain the speed that Oska/Belmo shoot,which is around 1.90 - 2.10 sec approx on most shots, how much comes from the arm on the downswing? Is this where the potential for back injuries occur, in attempting to throw the ball this hard, with such a reliance on the twisting of your torso?

Have bowled close on two weeks with this technique, mainly as an experimant, but it is certainly interesting enough for me to continue at least for a couple of months or so. When i see an increase in this technique at a league level, and see the results of my fellow league bowlers it makes me think hard about this style.

Take care


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Re: Two handed bowling.. Is it all that its cracked up to be?
« Reply #23 on: February 04, 2009, 05:59:15 AM »
Bowling at it's core is a simple sport. It's about knocking down 10 pins, and whoever knocks down 10 pins the most wins. How one goes about knocking down the most 10 pins(within in rules) is pretty much irrelevant.
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Re: Two handed bowling.. Is it all that its cracked up to be?
« Reply #24 on: February 04, 2009, 02:30:57 PM »
Here's an interesting experiment:

"Bolivia's Two-Handed Project"
"Full Men's and Boys' team bowls two-handed at South American Championships"


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Re: Two handed bowling.. Is it all that its cracked up to be?
« Reply #25 on: February 04, 2009, 03:18:52 PM »
Chirs Barnes repsond to the question

Q: Describe yourself in 10 words.
A: Jason Belmonte's future ball caddy.

Apparently Chris Barnes thinks it has a future.
Two Hands are better than one!!