His back swing he gets his elbow really high. Is it more of flexibility to increase that?
I know the power comes from the hips and I've only been doing 2 handed for about 1.5 months now in league. This summer I am planning my workouts with 2 handed in mind to help get my speed on my skip step to drive my hips through and let my arms follow to increase speed.
Do you have or know of any specific workouts for that? I have my own personal training facility and will be creating a 2 handers workout this summer.
High game 300, 298(no middle finger) 290, 290(no middle finger)
2 handed (279) 710
High series 804
High triplicate 774
High average 221
best game. when I was 6 I bowled a 158

I have a 16# morich awesome finish I want to trade. 1 season on it. I am looking for 15# stuff