Well, I didn't get a chance to use the BCB - the heads went first... So I went from the SCB to the Vertigo to the Inferno to "nothing would stay on the right side of the headpin, including my spare ball".
The only way I noticed that the SCB wasn't doing the trick was carry. All of a sudden, the ball would come off my hand well, and the ball would look like a marshmallow. So, to me, that means it's rolling out, and the lanes had dried out too much for it. So I put it away, and used the Vertigo. Wow. took up right where the SCB stopped...
The tournament format was 5 on a pair, 6 games qualifying - 2 games on a pair, then move. I used the SCB roughly the first 3 games, the Vertigo the last 3.
Semifinals - the lanes sat for 1.5 hours, and dried out more than a board. So, I went directly to the inferno, because the vertigo was just too much ball!
I had to move 5-4 left with the ball as well - that's how much they dried up.
-- The way we see the problem is the problem.