I'm the year round shorts guy, and get a lot of crap during the winter months here in Illinois, i find it funny.
But I'm sure its been posted but the Body English guy trying to get the ball to move like hes moving is a personal favorite.
Also we have the guy who takes 2 minutes of the approach and then will tell you he rushed a shot by not taking enough time on the approach.
And last but not least the guy that runs the pro shop, has 20 balls, can't even get his own stuff to fit right and has one lucky 299 but is according to him the best bowler and its always the lanes and the house's fault, never his because he is the man. He also has to walk out every shot and says he gets tapped for ever flat ten pin he leaves because he throws the ball 18 mph with no hand.
Hate to rant on about the last guy but I bowl on his team and it just irks me, this is fortunately the last year i'll be bowling with him.