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Author Topic: Left 15 10-pins last night.....  (Read 1258 times)

Sean John 369

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Left 15 10-pins last night.....
« on: July 16, 2009, 05:56:47 AM »
and converted every last one of them.  I swear, leaving that corner pin is rather frustrating.  I tried different angles, changed balls, and that darn thing stood.  All in all i was happy to have converted all of them.  Anyone have one of those nights recently where you couldnt carry a 10-pin if it were in a bag? lol.....4 years ago i would have missed over half of those 10s due to frustration.

It aint how, it''s how many.  Shut up and bowl!!

Paul Murchison


Sean John 369

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Re: Left 15 10-pins last night.....
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2009, 02:03:15 PM »
Haha got your US Open pattern practice in then.  At least it was 15 7-10's haha.

Starting 5:
1. Ebonite NVD
2. Raw Hammer Burn
3. Raw Hammer Psycho
4. Hammer Cherry Vibe
5. Target Zone

1. Columbia 300 Rival
2. Ebonite Complete NV

Dayum!  I had a few late 7s fall resulting in the 10 pin standing alone.  When i carried the 10 still fell late. Does anyone know what causes that?  All in all I was happy to have converted them all.  Takes patience.

It aint how, it's how many.  Shut up and bowl!!

Paul Murchison


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Re: Left 15 10-pins last night.....
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2009, 02:06:36 PM »
You broke my personal records of 13, very frustrating. The only good thing is that I converted all of them.


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Re: Left 15 10-pins last night.....
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2009, 07:36:38 PM »
Move 1/2 board to the left on the approach OR stand a couple inches closer to the foul line (if you are still too far behind it when you let go of the ball).  This should take care of most of the 10 pin problem.

Mr Old School

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Re: Left 15 10-pins last night.....
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2009, 07:43:58 PM »
ONLY 15"! i REMEMBER the time I left 28 out of 30 10 pins and made back to back all spare game toboot I think I need a stronger ball...

Mr. Old School
If you can't swing it, Your probally throwing brunswick!

My Equipment:
v-2 particle
V-2 sanded
V-2 pearl
V-2 dry!

Dan Belcher

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Re: Left 15 10-pins last night.....
« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2009, 09:21:51 AM »
I know the feeling.  Normally my carry is pretty good, but sometimes you just have those days when nothing wants to fall.  I missed making the cut to match play in a tournament on a house shot this weekend actually because of poor carry.  I never missed the hole the first game with my Gravity Shift for a 213, but left several wrap 10s.  Moved pairs to one where I had a better look throwing fast up the boards with my Spit Fire and went 245.  Next I moved to a pair where someone just shot a 298 wheeling a Turbo X out to the 2 board.  Yep, they were bone dry outside and flooded in the middle.  Flat 10, flat 10, ring 10, flat 10, 4-6-10 from being a touch soft with the speed, etc.  I tried every move I could think of, and all of them left the 10.  Shot a 177 thanks to two splits and only about three strikes the entire game.  Moving right meant early hook and a split.  Moving left meant the ball skated too long and couldn't recover.  It's a house shot, I should be able to do better than a 635.  I shot better than that a couple weeks before at Nationals!


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Re: Left 15 10-pins last night.....
« Reply #6 on: July 17, 2009, 09:35:05 AM »
I know the feeling.  Normally my carry is pretty good, but sometimes you just have those days when nothing wants to fall.  I missed making the cut to match play in a tournament on a house shot this weekend actually because of poor carry.  I never missed the hole the first game with my Gravity Shift for a 213, but left several wrap 10s.  Moved pairs to one where I had a better look throwing fast up the boards with my Spit Fire and went 245.  Next I moved to a pair where someone just shot a 298 wheeling a Turbo X out to the 2 board.  Yep, they were bone dry outside and flooded in the middle.  Flat 10, flat 10, ring 10, flat 10, 4-6-10 from being a touch soft with the speed, etc.  I tried every move I could think of, and all of them left the 10.  Shot a 177 thanks to two splits and only about three strikes the entire game.  Moving right meant early hook and a split.  Moving left meant the ball skated too long and couldn't recover.  It's a house shot, I should be able to do better than a 635.  I shot better than that a couple weeks before at Nationals!

For me thats my worst condition WET/DRY! I can usually average the same on 50 ft flat oil as I can on a short wet/dry shot. for some reason and with my release im stuck all the time inbetween right where the oil is and the dry begins. too much dry and i hit high. make a 2 and 1 move and i dont even hit pocket. very very frustrating.
high track with medium revs
medium speed
specs and ball layouts in profile

currently throwing
Visionary (O.P. / O. SS. / Glad S.)
Rotogrip (rogue cell)
lanemasters (black pearl)


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Re: Left 15 10-pins last night.....
« Reply #7 on: July 17, 2009, 12:03:05 PM »
I don't think I've ever counted how many I've left in one set???

I do recall the first yr I started bowling when I left 7 consecutive 10 pins
and missed every one of them.  That run made me commit to getting better at making 10 pin spares.  Now I miss more 7 pin.  Oh well, I guess you can't have it all.


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Re: Left 15 10-pins last night.....
« Reply #8 on: July 17, 2009, 03:13:07 PM »
i never left that many ten pins, but i was on JV for high school to start the day, shoot 240, move over to varsity, and i proceed to go pocket 7-10 every shot on the left lane. move back to jv and shoot 240 again lol, some days jsut arent your day.
Storm Virtual Gravity
Morich Awesome Finsih
Brunswick Avalanche Solid
Track Equation


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Re: Left 15 10-pins last night.....
« Reply #9 on: July 17, 2009, 03:33:41 PM »
I would suggest using more surface. Typically if your leaving 10 pins you ball is not transitioning fast enough betwen the 1st and 2nd transition. You need to get the ball to face up sooner. By adding more surface to the cover stock it will allow the ball to transition quicker.
Rick Guined

Owner/Operator: New Millennium Proshop:
Track Regional Staff Player
Vise PBA Regional Staff Player
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Sean John 369

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Re: Left 15 10-pins last night.....
« Reply #10 on: July 17, 2009, 03:58:43 PM »
I would suggest using more surface. Typically if your leaving 10 pins you ball is not transitioning fast enough betwen the 1st and 2nd transition. You need to get the ball to face up sooner. By adding more surface to the cover stock it will allow the ball to transition quicker.
Rick Guined

Owner/Operator: New Millennium Proshop:
Track Regional Staff Player
Vise PBA Regional Staff Player
IBPSIA Certified Technician


Im making a stop at my local shop today and put a scotch bright to one of my ballz!!!!


It aint how, it's how many.  Shut up and bowl!!

Paul Murchison


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Re: Left 15 10-pins last night.....
« Reply #11 on: July 17, 2009, 06:53:13 PM »
if they're ringing ten's then yes more surface could help, or go more upt he back. if its flat tens though you might want polish due to it may be burning up, or more surface because tis just skidding and skidding and not turning over.
Storm Virtual Gravity
Morich Awesome Finsih
Brunswick Avalanche Solid
Track Equation