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Author Topic: Typical Night at a Brunswick House  (Read 2840 times)


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Typical Night at a Brunswick House
« on: September 23, 2008, 11:52:34 PM »
Last Night, Went into league, thew my fisrt ball, ball broke into its roll, and it literaly backed up at the head pin. Talked to few guys in the league, same thing. League shot, where people were scoring quite well, was completely gone !
The left sides backend end was totally clean, while the right looked like the double oiled and not strip. I have heard and bowled on tougher shots, bowling for over 35 years, and never seen anything like this, except at the Peterson !
To top it off, the left lane was sweeping away spares, and when it kept spares, you had to hit the reset and wait a whole minute until the reset was recognized by the pinsetter ! We got done about 45 minutes late ! The league secretary is trying to get our lineage back, because of this situation. We must have had to hit the reset about 50 times ! The girl at the counter stated that they knew abou the problem with that lane ! These things should be taken care of before a league starts, it was happening the day before !

One, the lane guy and mechanic must of screwed up, this was not a sport shot, this was worse. Axewelder (John) bowls with me on this league, and he is a guy that can hook the lane, and his ball was also backing up !

If anyone has a number to a Brunswick rep, for the Northwest Chicagoland area, I would love to talk to him about the malfunnctioning lane, and his inept lane mechanic, who definetly needs a talking to !

This house does not cater to league bowlers, and neither does brunswick, unless you have a birthday party or cosmic bowling ! The league bowler is crap to them, these days !
Thirtyclean (Well maybe 29, or 28, most of
the times !)


T Brockette

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Re: Typical Night at a Brunswick House
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2008, 07:57:25 AM »
The main offices of Brunswick are in the Chicago area. Ask the GM for someone up above them, I believe they are required by policy to give that info out.
Tracy Brockette – Lone Star House Hack

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Re: Typical Night at a Brunswick House
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2008, 08:01:54 AM »

You must know that Brunswick doesn't care about real bowlers any more than McDonalds cares about your health.

I'd be interested in hearing if they actually respond.
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Re: Typical Night at a Brunswick House
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2008, 08:17:46 AM »
Was a beautiful night in BZ Niles.  Danny is 100% right.  Shot on my pair for the righties, you had to be outside of 5, and then you had to have enough ball to hook up early, and then play for the ball to back up.  Well, I am watching the 5 lefties on our pair had a much better look to the pocket then us righties.  Sure they had a decent amount of oil on their side, but with the clean back ends, at least they had continuation.  

All this cause the score where on the high side last week.  One of the league offices not liking it, told the house to chance the shot.  This is what we get, gotta love it.  Cause one league official can't score as well as most, he has to knock the shot down.  Can't wait till next week.  

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Re: Typical Night at a Brunswick House
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2008, 08:20:37 AM »
So you didn't have free hook at 37 feet, so what? :-)

What did you shoot on the night?  I'd be interested to see what the league scores were for this week compared to what they were last week and the week before.

Also, lanes break down, things like that happen.  Yes, it should've been taken care of the day before, but maybe they were waiting for a part?
Andrew Loose

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Re: Typical Night at a Brunswick House
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2008, 08:26:42 AM »
For the night I shot 178, 220, 159= 557.  Well one would think that if you decided to change the shot, you would make it equal for both the left and the right sides.  At least that would be the fair assessment.  We had a pretty good bowling coach bowling on our pair, him being a lefty.  He even said that the left side was about  100 times better then the right looked.  I knew I should have broke out the back up ball.

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Re: Typical Night at a Brunswick House
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2008, 08:49:15 AM »
I suspect each house has the responsibility to take care of their own lane pattern... The machine most likely malfunctioned, but again, that's the responsibility of the mechanic to keep it running properly, not corporate Brunswick.

Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
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Re: Typical Night at a Brunswick House
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2008, 09:00:55 AM »
They are supposed to be stripped and rerun before the league.  I also know that fact, I have been bowling a few years myself.

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T Brockette

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Re: Typical Night at a Brunswick House
« Reply #8 on: September 24, 2008, 09:04:50 AM »
There are alot of houses that have gone to just a fill shot for league play. Stripping and oiling is becoming a thing of the past for 1st shift!
Tracy Brockette – Lone Star House Hack

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Re: Typical Night at a Brunswick House
« Reply #9 on: September 24, 2008, 09:11:44 AM »
thirtyclean and axweldr, I agree that the lane breakdowns are inexcusable, and should be something that needs to be addressed by the house immediately.  As far as the shot goes, you need to hit what's out there.  As harsh as that sounds, it is just a fact that you have to face when bowling on a tough (even unfair as you put it) shot.  Also, if it only took one league officer to get the house to change the shot, why don't you get a bunch of bowlers who didn't like the shot and approach management the same way the league officer did.  I am sure if you all came up in droves, the house would be inclined to listen to you, as they listened to the one person who complained already.  It's worth a try anyway, good luck.
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Re: Typical Night at a Brunswick House
« Reply #10 on: September 24, 2008, 12:38:48 PM »
There is a difference between free hook, and a ball actually backing up at the pocket ! This is either a machine malfunction, or a house lane guy trying to tweek a house shot, without knowing what he is doing ! The previous poster is right sometimes, you have to grin and bear it sometimes. But when you paying about 12.00 out of your weekly fee, to the house, you expect league conditions, to be fair and somewhat consistent. This might not be a Brunswick problem, but the lane guy is working for Brunswick ! The manager works for Brunswick. I bowl four nights a week and I have not seen an insane lane condition in 35 years, except the Peterson. The lefty next to me shot 730. I am 218 average and shot
500 ! Fair is fair ! The three other houses I bowl in are very consistent in there lane maintenance and consistent conditions.

I did buy the excuse that they could be waiting on a part for the 50 resets that we had to endure. The mechanic has a car, and there are numerous Brunswick Zones in the area !

If it was a birthday party or Cosmic bowling, the lanes would of been fixed right away. If the pizza ovens were broken, or the pop dispensing machine, it would have been addressed right away.

The lane mechanic should be making sure that the machine was properely maintained, working, and dont expirement with an insane shot during league play !
Thirtyclean (Well maybe 29, or 28, most of
the times !)


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Re: Typical Night at a Brunswick House
« Reply #11 on: September 24, 2008, 04:54:48 PM »
The oil problem could be a large number of different things. Could be as simple as Rico said and have had open play on it. Could get in depth with oiler problems. Yeah the lanesman could have tried to "tweak" the shot and messed it up big time.
The problem of having to hit reset once again could be a few different things. I agree that the mechanic should have gotten it fixed or did his best to get it fixed if it was broken the night before. We also don't know what was wrong ith the machine.

Walking E

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Re: Typical Night at a Brunswick House
« Reply #12 on: September 24, 2008, 05:20:38 PM »
If you have bowled long enough, you can see some pretty weird things.

I was watching the oil machine before Saturday morning league go up my lane, and the machine popped off its cable and landed in the pit. I'm pretty sure it laid oil out all the way down because that lane was WAY straighter than the other lane on that pair. I kept waiting to hear the overhead pager say "Machine Return on Lane 19. Machine Return on Lane 19." or something like that but it never happened.

About 30 years ago, I bowled a city tournament at Hall of Fame Lanes in Long Beach one year where the condition was so dry, my rock-hard AMF Hugger was in the gutter halfway down the lane on a normal shot. I think I needed a Jubilere ball that day.

Bowled at Java Lanes in Long Beach about 19-20 years ago and they resurfaced the lanes that day but short-oiled them to 24 feet. My urethane equipment hooked right off the lane unless I threw the ball as hard as I could. So the following week, I brought in a hard plastic ball and a hard pearl urethane, only to find that they never stripped the lanes during the entire week. My ball went straight as an arrow through to the pin deck all night.

Let's see, at Plaza Lanes in Long Beach, they used a bug sprayer to oil the lanes, plus they had those overground ball returns that I kicked practically every shot. (NOTE: That's another idea for a PBA Tournament - the Bug Sprayer Open, with lanes oiled using the old sprayers and a wipe. Even better if they could find a house with the overground ball returns.)

Not to mention various times where pinsetters were consistently offsetting the pins and the management wouldn't do anything about it.

Ah yes, the good old days.
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Re: Typical Night at a Brunswick House
« Reply #13 on: September 25, 2008, 08:11:28 AM »
To put a close to this topic, the pro shop guy I work with, talked to the head mechanic/lane guy the next morning. The oil machine malfunctioned, and spewed oil from 0 to 20 on the right side, while leaving the left side alone. The guy that runs the machine should visually notice this, but he is just a janitor type who is instructed on how to run the lanes. Someone should be held accountable, but of course, no one will. I dont know if is the duty of the mechanic to check the functionality of the machine every day, but if it was a machine in a hospital, and the machine malfunctined, and a patient died, there would be heads rollin and a lawsuit. This is typical in this house, and it is a Brunswick house. Luckily, I did not invest my hard earned money in side pots and brackets, and as far as a previous poster stated about free hook, this was insane, and comments should not be made unless you have to shoot on the condition. What is worse, a previous post is from a worker at the pro shop in that alley, and by posting comments like that in a public forum, it does not sit well with Axewelder and myself ! Whether he knows it, he represents the pro shop when remarks are made like that and some customers read this board !
Thirtyclean (Well maybe 29, or 28, most of
the times !)


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Re: Typical Night at a Brunswick House
« Reply #14 on: September 25, 2008, 08:28:15 AM »
As said worker, let me first of all go and defend my comments, since they were obviously misconstrued.

Apparently the smiley face after my "free hook" comment wasn't enough to warrant taking said comment in a joking, fun manner, rather than the serious manner in which they were taken.

Also, this kind of thing HAS happened before in the very same house, Dan, why do you think that the Grennan Heights league bombed?

And, Dan, have you oiled lanes before?  Can you tell when there's twice, three times as many units on a particular area?  You and I have been bowling for quite some time, is that really something you could expect us to be able to do?  I know I can' then do you think the "janitor" lane mechanic can?

If it was a birthday party or Cosmic bowling, they would've moved pairs...if the actual lane itself was broken, which it obviously was since it kept sweeping the second shot.

As for the representing the shop comment, i'll take the high road on that one and just mention that yes, I work in the same shop you do, we work with the same customers, and though I don't go plastering the shop's name all over the site (and neither do you) I do represent the shop, however, because of that, I would venture to guess that approximately 95% of the people on this site (that I post at VERY infrequently by the way) wouldn't associate me with working at a shop.  There's you, and John, and I think that might be it...

If my remarks don't sit well with you and John, that's fine, i'm a big boy and I can handle a little disagreement, but for you to air THAT in a public forum is a little disappointing to me especially since you're getting on ME for airing my opinions in a public forum.
Andrew Loose

"Technology is anything that's really cool that you don't know how it works, and if it breaks, you have to buy a new one!"
Just because you can, doesn't mean you should