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Author Topic: Ultimate question, bowling vs. golf  (Read 3704 times)


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Ultimate question, bowling vs. golf
« on: December 15, 2003, 07:23:56 AM »
What is easier to do, bowl a 300 or get a hole-in-one?
Just once I'd like to show up at a place with the lanes FLOODED 45 feet down and flat.  That way I can watch these crankers struggle to find the pocket and leave splits while I come straight off the corner and do nothing but make 4 pins and 10 pins all night.



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Re: Ultimate question, bowling vs. golf
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2003, 10:28:09 PM »
Bowl a 300.

I came a foot away from a hole in one, but unlike bowling a 300 a hole in one revolves around a lot of luck.

You can bowl a 300 easier because it is skill that is getting you to knock down those strikes. You have more control over a bowling ball than you do a golf ball.

I played golf for 6 years before finally calling it quits this year. The costs eventually take their toll and paying $100 for a round of golf when I was in Arizona back in June was enough, played 2 rounds so that was $200, not to mention the cost for the balls.


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Re: Ultimate question, bowling vs. golf
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2003, 10:34:14 PM »
Funny, I had one person tell me that getting a hole in one was much easier for the EXACT SAME REASONS you said getting a 300 was easier.  He said, "A hole in one... because ALL IT TAKES IS ONE LUCKY SHOT."

Just once I'd like to show up at a place with the lanes FLOODED 45 feet down and flat.  That way I can watch these crankers struggle to find the pocket and leave splits while I come straight off the corner and do nothing but make 4 pins and 10 pins all night.


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Re: Ultimate question, bowling vs. golf
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2003, 10:43:16 PM »
Depends on the skill level of the persons playing the game.  I would guess the hole in one would be easier from a luck stand point.  I have stuck a shot 3 to 6 inches from the hole number of times and one time even put one in from about 120 yards out.  I'll admit I'm a bad golfer(shoot in the low 90's) most of the time.  Bowling requires more shots and over a longer period.  The one thing about bowling is the conditions are more controllable.  There is a tournament coming up to see just how easy making the shot can be.  Should be really interesting to see if any teams beats 4000.

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Re: Ultimate question, bowling vs. golf
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2003, 10:50:30 PM »
Hole in one is harder, but the absolute RUSH of a 300 is MUCH greater.

A hole in one is a one time deal with maybe what, 2 inches of margin for error, and that's width only...think wind speed, green speed/slope, etc.

Carry the 8.  be a good lefty.


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Re: Ultimate question, bowling vs. golf
« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2003, 10:53:01 PM »
Hole in one is harder, but the absolute RUSH of a 300 is MUCH greater.

A hole in one is a one time deal with maybe what, 2 inches of margin for error, and that's width only...think wind speed, green speed/slope, etc.

Carry the 8.  be a good lefty.

I agree on this, the thrill is much more amazing when you are knocking down strike after strike, I have not rolled a 300 yet, but I rolled a 299 a week and a half ago and I have only been bowling for 3 months, but it was incredible. Watching every shot just crush the pins gives a feeling of satisfaction that 6 years of golf could not do.


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Re: Ultimate question, bowling vs. golf
« Reply #6 on: December 15, 2003, 10:58:51 PM »
10pin, the answer is easy.  It only takes one shot to get a hole in one whereas it takes 12 shots to get a 300.  Bones

This is a common misconception.

Yes it does take only one shot, but given the average course you don't have a lot of Par 3's. Not to mention you have to take into consideration wind speed, how the greens are playing (fast or slow), how you hit the ball, what club to use, and so forth.

You don't have to deal with nature basically when you are bowling which eliminates some of those factors.

Second, just as golf, bowling requires proper mechanics in order to roll the optimal ball in order to get the strike. But I find it much easier to get the feeling for the right mechanics as opposed to golf. Not to mention with bowling you are dealing with 2 lanes if you are in league play so it does not require adjusting to a new lane every single time you roll a ball whereas in golf you have to adjust to every Par 3 since none are the same in terms of the greens.


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Re: Ultimate question, bowling vs. golf
« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2003, 08:20:22 AM »
From a pure numbers point of view I would guess that there are about as many 300’s shot in a year as hole-in-ones.

From a skill point of view the 300 is much easier. A skilled professional bowler bowling on normal house conditions would almost be certain to shoot a 300 in a year. While they may come close most professionals would not score a hole in one in a year. Under today’s conditions the skilled bowler will shoot dozens of 300’s while few if any professional golfers would have 10 holes in one.

The hole in one is more of a luck shot. Yes skill can give you more opportunities but cannot guarantee success and as stated before you generally only get 4 opportunities per round.


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Re: Ultimate question, bowling vs. golf
« Reply #8 on: December 16, 2003, 08:40:51 AM »
A "good" bowler is almost certain to shoot 300 at some point during their career.  A "good" golfer may never have a hole in one.

A "poor" bowler will almost certainly never shoot 300, while a "poor" golfer might luck a hole in one.

300 is easier for the skilled player; hole in one is more likely for the hack.


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Re: Ultimate question, bowling vs. golf
« Reply #9 on: December 16, 2003, 08:50:23 AM »
I have golfed since i was 3 and i have never gotten a hole in one. I am a low handicapper and i think it is harder now because i am thinking about more then a hacker would. I think no matter what skill level you are in golf it takes some luck to get one, but i would agree a hacker has a better chance then a skill golfer cause of the course they play. Now a 300 game i do have one of them and it wasnt easy. But i 300 game to me is easy for a skilled bowler then a hack. but that is just my opinion.
Oil is served Best with fingers!
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Oil is served Best with fingers!
Why does the 8 Pin laugh at me!



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Re: Ultimate question, bowling vs. golf
« Reply #10 on: December 16, 2003, 09:11:14 AM »

I mean absoloutly no harm to you at all mate, but this has got to prove the game is getting easier!!!! 3 months and already a 299!

Very well done though, i dont care if you've been bowled 3 months 3 years or 30 years thats a HUGE effort, well done!

Thanks man.

What I will say is that it took a lot of practice. I started in the beginning of September by taking bowling as my phys ed requirement for college. I found it to be enjoyable and eventually got a ball in October. Then I picked up the Columbia Wicked ball a few weeks ago, and now I am picking up the Phenom Unleashed ball this afternoon. I bowl on average 50-70 games a week, and I bowl every single day. But it's fun and a lot more easier on the wallet than golf.


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Re: Ultimate question, bowling vs. golf
« Reply #11 on: December 16, 2003, 11:00:43 AM »
Bob Hanson has hit the nail on the head.

I was like the fellow above a low handicapper.

One summer I hit the flag 20 times!!!  Most of them bounced so hard off the flag they ended up up the greens or in sand or water hazards.  Some of them were with 2 irons.  One was a 3 wood shot from 280 yards(downhill) that tore the back out of the hole for double eagle!  None went in!

A correlation in golf for skill level to 300 games would be eagles.
Now those I had a ton of!

The type of shot is very dependant on the ability to get hole in ones.
An example two great golfers and Masters champions.  Fred Couples got his first professional hole in one in about his 20th year playing on the tour!  He now has two I think.  He hits a high fade.  He is all over the hole so often with his irons it's silly.  Art Wall also a Master's champion hit a forward rolling hook that sort of ran towards the hole, he had I think 56 hole in ones!!!!!!

Oh Jack Nicklaus with his fade only has about 6 or 8 hole in ones!

In general all of the hole in one record holders, tend to hit their irons with a soft running hook.  Art Wall, Norman Manning(??? from California), and a woman that right now has about 42 hole in ones playing golf only about 10 years!!

All of the hole in ones I have seen have had that exact flight pattern landing on the green with an end over end hook and then rolling to the hole just like a Ben Crenshaw putt!!!


PS not lucky in hole in ones!
PPS Hole in one can mostly be luck, 300 game mostly skill!
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Ultimate question, bowling vs. golf
« Reply #12 on: December 16, 2003, 11:21:45 AM »
how about this?

A hole in one is ONE HOLE..............a 300 game is 12 FRAMES,.....

one hole   = one frame , so actually the comparison isn't a good one, but to answer it anyways....

a 300 game is harder.......


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Re: Ultimate question, bowling vs. golf
« Reply #13 on: December 16, 2003, 12:40:49 PM »
I definitely think it is alot more likely to get lucky and get a hole-in-one than it is to get lucky and bowl a 300, but I do think it is harder to get a hole-in-one purely from a skill level.  I know a league bowler who has 39 sanctioned 300s, but I don't know anyone who has more than a couple holes-in-one.  If I bowled 4 hours a week, and golfed 4 hours a week every week for the rest of my life, I'd expect to have multiple 300s, but wouldn't be surprised if I never had a hole-in-one.


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Re: Ultimate question, bowling vs. golf
« Reply #14 on: December 16, 2003, 09:10:09 PM »
That is so AWESOME!  I mean it!  I've grazed the hole on a couple of par 4s but they would never plunk!

Again I do think that eagles and multiple 300s are the province of the skilled.


single hole in ones and 300s can be lucky!
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana