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Author Topic: Unanswered question to the usbc  (Read 10373 times)


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Unanswered question to the usbc
« on: September 18, 2012, 09:08:31 PM »
Kathy, when will the USBC actually begin to protect the integrity of bowling by requiring we play on proper lane conditions instead of walled patterns that create artificial scoring levels? As bowlers we have no voice in these matters. And our sanctioning body says the proprietors can do whatever they want. How is this governing what goes on? As it stands now, bowling is bleeding members. Since the advent of reactive resin, the centers have tried to outscore one another. This philosophy hasn't stopped the mass exodus of bowlers. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. After 15+ years no one has learned a thing. When will the USBC grow a spine and DO something about it? Mandate flatter patterns at all times. Who cares if we lose bowlers, they are leaving anyway. You might as well support those that care about what it is bowling is supposed to be about. Keep in mind, they are screwing with your livelihood. At what point in time is the number of sanctioned bowlers low enough, that the USBC will cease to be necessary? T.J. Mittelstetter, Jr. 2358-6198

The above was sent to the usbc after my post about league resignation. As of today, I have not received a response. I'm not exactly sure what I expected, but I think I received the most likely result. Indifference. I'm not the greatest bowler. You can look up my lack of accomplishments if you wish, but you would think these people would want to open dialogue with the average bowlers across the country. Apparently, my rose colored glasses are making see people that care. Not encouraging.



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Re: Unanswered question to the usbc
« Reply #31 on: September 24, 2012, 04:15:13 PM »
An interesting point made by someone up-threat.  That I see repeated in different posts about leagues.  Well the 180 guys or the 210 guys beat us with their hdcp.

How come the 180 or 210 guys are not allowed to win a league.  Why are they always supposed to be the donators?

It's been proven year after year after year that the highest average teams will "normally" win leagues.  But heaven forbid if your team happens to be the one who gets beat by the handicap team that week.

I don't understand that mentality.  Please explain why a 180 average bowler is supposed to come bowl league every week and pay the same $20-$25 a week in fees, just to donate to the high average team profit margin.

Every league MUST have donators.  Well, what if the highest average team finished dead last, and got last place prize money.  You think they would come back and bowl the league the following year.  I doubt it.  But yet the high average teams expect the low average teams to do that every year.

I see your point and will respond.  I NEVER said anywhere that a 180 guy HAS TO BE a donator.  I simply told the truth and said that the lane conditions are the problem and here is why.  I am just citing examples.  You talk to any 230 guy and ask him if a 210 guy should get 20-30 sticks of handicap and most will say no.  On the flip side, you ask a 180 guy if he should only get 20-30 sticks and then they will say no.  My point is that if you toughen the condition up, you shorten that gap from 180 to 230 down to say 180 down to 210-215.  Neither side should be "given" a guaranteed shot at the rolloffs.  Both sould have to earn it.
Steven Vance
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Long Gone Daddy

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Re: Unanswered question to the usbc
« Reply #32 on: September 24, 2012, 05:26:50 PM »
Yes, David, it can be that easy and that nice.  Don't really know why people keep butting their heads against the wall on this.  Find a tougher league and house and quit bitching about what the rest of the sheeple are bowling on.

I actually quit bowling back in april 2005...  why??  because the lane conditions became too easy... and the lack of enjoyment from seeing honor scores bowled.. 

this year i joined a scratch league that is 50miles away, while the local bowling alley is 4miles away...

Why did I leave ??  stupid easy bowling conditions..  Last yr, i basically bowled when i felt like it.... some days i would just throw my plastic ball.. and still shoot 570...  some days, i would actually feel like bowling and would shoot 670 or so... 

So now i am bowling in a house that has tougher conditions, a bigger prize fund!!  and better bowlers.....  who wouldnt want that?????
Long Gone also posts the honest truth which is why i respect him. He posts these things knowing some may not like it.



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Re: Unanswered question to the usbc
« Reply #33 on: September 24, 2012, 06:57:26 PM »
Legit scratch bowlers have the advantage over the lower average bowlers in handicap leagues. That is the way it is. Even on tougher conditions.

handicap 80% of 220

180 average

220-180=40   40 x.08= 32  180+32= 212

The 180 average bowler has to bowl 8 pins above their average to get 220 with handicap.
The 230 average bowler has to bowl 10 pins below their average to get 220. Averages are just that, and on average the 230 average bowler will win more in a head to head against the lower average bowler because the lower average has to actually shoot above their average and have help of the higher average bowler shooting below theirs in order to win.

As a scratch bowler I don't b%tch about handicap. I don't b%tch about easy houses and I don't b%tch about tough houses. I do b%tch about equipment getting damaged or houses that wax their approaches.(no joke) Other then that, take pride in what you bowl and go do your best.

…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.

David Lee Yskes

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Re: Unanswered question to the usbc
« Reply #34 on: September 25, 2012, 12:39:53 PM »
Yes, David, it can be that easy and that nice.  Don't really know why people keep butting their heads against the wall on this.  Find a tougher league and house and quit bitching about what the rest of the sheeple are bowling on.


Long Gone Daddy,

Well i think the reason people butting their heads against the wall is because in many area's of the bowling world they might not have a option to bowl at a place that has a tougher shot... 

before 2005, I had several places to bowl at within 30miles of where i lived..  And while every place had their own type of shot, none of them was actually tough..  Yes one place might be a bit tougher than the other, but the pin difference might only be 10pins per game...  And that was usually because of not kicking out a 10pin or two...

Now I am also not saying people want to make the conditions extreme... i think people as a whole, want the ceiling for the average joe's brought down to somewhere around 210.. 

And as i have often said about a place I bowled at years ago, if you averaged over 200 in said place ( from 96 to 2000 )  people knew that you could bowl well... or that you knew what you was doing to bowl well at said place..     

" Lift your skirt, grab your balls and learn how to bowl "

Long Gone Daddy

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Re: Unanswered question to the usbc
« Reply #35 on: September 25, 2012, 09:27:06 PM »

Those people will have to make lemonade with the lemons they have been given.  Use weaker balls.  Move to another area (drastic to be sure but if somebody is passionate enough......).
Long Gone also posts the honest truth which is why i respect him. He posts these things knowing some may not like it.



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Re: Unanswered question to the usbc
« Reply #36 on: September 25, 2012, 11:48:01 PM »
As has been pointed out here and in several related threads, the decline in league bowling is all about a rapid change in socioeconomic life. The stable middle class that sustained bowling for so many years is disappearing.

Regardless, all this talk about higher scoring chasing away bowlers is bogus. Unless you're averaging 240 and beyond, you have no reason to have the word 'easy' in your vocabulary. For 99.9% of bowlers, there are opportunities for challenge and improvement, even on cake.

If you insist on bowling 'challenging' conditions, there are several on-going tournament options -- State, Nationals, local PBA/Sport shot competitions, and PBA Regionals. It's there if you really want it.


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Re: Unanswered question to the usbc
« Reply #37 on: September 26, 2012, 02:43:29 AM »
If a bowlers problem is that the house is to easy then maybe try to get the house to change the shot and if no one that bowls there is behind that idea then go to a different house thats more difficult or bowling in a sport shot/PBA league. Maybe bring equipment to league that is a little weak or strong but try to make it work anyways by changing speed or hand position or whatever.

Not trying to sound cock but i got bored of bowling to at one point. Avg 210ish on a house shot was getting boring. I decided to bowl a PBA experience league instead of a regular league and i tell you i had never focused so hard consistently from week to week to try and avg just a 190. After that league i went back to normal house shot leagues and brought with me the focus i developed and ended the season avg 224. Theres always challanges in any house you go to just some of them you have to create yourself and some the house will provide like the PBA league.