I agree with some of the other folks. Say want you want, but nothing will change.
Very few bowlers want to bowl on a hard shot. Today the norm is to bowl one league and average over 200 and think you are good. Make the shot a bit harder and you will see 20 or more higher average bowlers at the desk complaining. If the center puts down a harder shot, the bowlers will leave. This, in my opinion, is why bowling is considered a recreational activity. Something that is easy and makes you feel good when you leave.
Now, I may be a fluke, but I can not hit the easy shots. I leave tons of corner pins and splits. Yes, this can be attributed to equipment and me being stubborn with not changing my hand position. Put down a harder shot, and I will bowl with the best of them. One last thing about easy shots, if the shot was that easy, then you would have a multitude of bowlers averaging over 270 and that hasn't happened yet. (give it a few more years)
Unfortunately, the highest score you can get is 300 and there are no extra points for style, and being able to repeat shots.
Years ago, ABC opened up the flood gates and let the manufacturers develop and sell extremely powerfull bowling balls. These balls needed less skill in order for them to hook and carry strikes. Today, the manufacturers are bascially controlling our sport. USBC can not stop them, although they have made feable attempts. Factor in, synthetic lanes and oiling machines that can duplicate the same pattern day after day and you have the modern game of hight scores and averages. It is what it is, we can do nothing to stop it.
So, bowling has become a recreational activity. Go out and bowl a few games, have a few beers, tell some jokes and go home happy.