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Author Topic: uncharacteristic dread about my leagues starting back up  (Read 7612 times)


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uncharacteristic dread about my leagues starting back up
« on: August 24, 2013, 12:09:37 AM »
Usually can't wait for fall-winter leagues to start up again, but this year is different.

Had 2nd knee surgery in 8 years in April 2012, an it was December before I got my shot and my confidence back, despite coming back after only 27 days from the first one. Then finally hit my stride and was helping my team and then the body parts started failing one at a time.  Plantar Fasciitis, both hips (no cartilage left) and then, of course the knee started acting up somewhat.

The upside is that even though I still haven't had a pain-free day since December, I continued to bowl at a high level and my team and I won the championship last season (was our 3rd trip to the finals in 12 years and 2nd in 3 years, but we were flat in the first two).

Plantar Fasciitis was eradicated with 2 cortizone shots, and the knee has calmed down again, but despite various kinds of therapy (most recently something called ARP), my hips are still sore and constantly bothering me.

I know I will be ABLE to bowl, and I miss the competition and the my teammates, but I'm not optimistic about the pain subsiding and not looking forward to a whole season of fighting through the discomfort.

But I need to bowl. It's my mental stress-buster, and so much more to me.

And yet.....  I really wish I had another month ---at least!!!---before the season started.

Unless bowling will actually help---in moderation?  Not sure if I'm just trying to rationalize returning or not, but after "retiring" from bowling for the summer, I've only ended up feeling more stiff and more sore most of the time.

Anyway...   sorry this turned into more of a whine than intended, and there is no magic answer (not mentally ready for hip replacement yet), but decided to throw this out there into a forum of people who can certainly understand how important bowling can be to one's mental health and self esteem.

Thanks for reading. (and no...  I'm not anywhere near suicidal. Just very bummed out that the season is upon us, and I'm not ready for it.)



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Re: uncharacteristic dread about my leagues starting back up
« Reply #16 on: August 25, 2013, 02:40:40 PM »
I have tried the pillow between the legs before with limited success. Helped in certain positions, but not others, and although some of the pain is near the knees, mostly seems to be radiating there from elsewhere.

What I'm describing is just a regular pillow under the head (albeit one that is either too thin or shaped wrong). It seems when I lay down flat...regardless of whether it's on my back, sides, or stomach, that I can feel the muscles in my thighs/hips/knees, etc. pulling. Is not a strong pain, but is not comfortable for sleeping.

Seems that somehow having my head elevated by more or thicker pillow, results in my body not being 100% flat, and therefore I don't notice that pulling, tight feeling----or not as much.

At least... for one night it worked.  I'll see if I'm onto something or not if it works 2 or 3 nights in a row. I'm still a little sore and stiff today, but if I can wake up tomorrow feeling as decent as I did today, I will finally feel like I am on the road to recovery.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2013, 02:20:12 AM by Neptune66 »


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Re: uncharacteristic dread about my leagues starting back up
« Reply #17 on: August 27, 2013, 02:18:20 AM »
Kind of fell off (or jumped off) the wagon tonight.

Had been doing well overall (in minimal pain, doing my exercises, and able to sleep decently without any medication), but tonight ...after waking up and feeling as if my joints were simmering over a low flame) I took a Vicodin.

I do not disagree with what Charlest said here:

"Vicodin is a habit forming narcotic and only gives temporary relief. Besides, as time goes by, you need more and more to do less and less. You're also old enough that a lecture is not necessary."

And yet...  there are circumstances under which it's the lesser of two evils.

I don't know how many different dosages or strengths of this medication there are, but this is not one of those pills that gives you a high or lasts very long. The prescription says it can be taken every 4 hours, and for me...  it generally takes at least an hour to slowly dampen the joint pain. It's at least 50% or more Acetometaphin (Tylenol). The other ingredient is Hydrocordone, I believe.

I honestly can say I am not addicted to it, cause first of all..  I experience no pleasure from it or anticipation about the next dose. I'm taking only 2 or 3 a week, for yes....  temporary relief. The pill tonight was only the 3rd in 8 days----although I DO want that number to be zero and while not an addiction, it IS a crutch. One that I truly want to be free of.

And only took it now, so that I can get to sleep and wake up feeling refreshed and not fall off the "exercise wagon", and not be a crabby mess when I go into work tomorrow (---I mean today!).

But I am interested in alternatives.   Maybe instead of swearing off the stuff completely, I should just gradually lengthen the number of days in between---even if it does cause me to have to lose a night's sleep and call in sick to work to stay on course.  Or maybe there is something over the counter that is stronger than regular tylenol or aspirin or ibuprofin, but weaker than the Vicodin?   Or even a prescription medication that is in between?

When I had a broken or cracked rib a few years ago, I was prescribed something that deadened but did not eliminate the pain. It had zero drowsiness or sedating effects, and it was just as I described....weaker than a narcotic-type mix of drugs, but stronger than regular Ibuprofen. In fact...  I think it may just have been a higher dosage of Ibuprofen, but maybe in a timed release manner, cause taking a too high a dose of that would have caused some stomach upset I would think.

Anyway...  I'm not making this post tonight to poll for drug suggestions.  It was really part confession (I AM disappointed I had to take the pill tonight no matter how infrequent it's been), and pass the time while the medication kicks in.

Feel better now---enough to go back to sleep. But thicker pillow and exercise aside, I am disappointed I had to use the crutch again.

However...  as long as I get up refreshed and do my exercises for the 4th consecutive day (most since summer started), it was worth it. 

Ok....  ready for flames and lectures alike. Any support or words of encouragement (or alternatives)  would be an unexpected plus.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2013, 02:20:53 AM by Neptune66 »


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Re: uncharacteristic dread about my leagues starting back up
« Reply #18 on: August 27, 2013, 04:51:48 AM »
Some of us take ibuprofen because of arthritis, while others take what they need for their ailments.  I trust that you know that your medication can become an addiction, and as long as you use it sparingly you should be able to keep it in check.

Every drug has some side effects. Some are long term, while others are very short term (addiction) that turn into long term problems.  Just realize that.  It sounds like you do, so don't change the way you use it and the day may (hopefully) come when you don't need it physically or otherwise.

Sorry I didn't flame you  ;).  When I was a young man the world was very 'black and white" meaning everything was right, or definitely wrong!  The older I get, the more gray there is.  I try not to be judgmental until I have walked in the other guy's shoes, which is impossible.  The gray area seems to have grown in direct proportion to the gray on top of my head, too...  Best of luck to you.

« Last Edit: August 27, 2013, 04:55:14 AM by notclay »


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Re: uncharacteristic dread about my leagues starting back up
« Reply #19 on: August 27, 2013, 09:14:04 AM »
Thank you.   

And yes...   I am aware of the risks and ultimately am trying to go to zero medication....not just once every 3 days or so. But I do very much appreciate your message and the diplomatic way you worded it.

As for grey hair....I don't have a lot of it yet, but most of my friends do and my hairline is receding and the landing pad on top of my head is expanding.

  :)   I mean  :(


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Re: uncharacteristic dread about my leagues starting back up
« Reply #20 on: August 27, 2013, 02:29:08 PM »
Maybe you should try some Kinesio Tape Therapy, It will not heal you but probably will make the pain fade while you bowl. There's a lot of research and info about this tape, it's used a lot by pro athletes
Or try BIoFreeze Roll On or Spray Before you bowl.

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Re: uncharacteristic dread about my leagues starting back up
« Reply #21 on: August 27, 2013, 04:30:11 PM »
Did try Kinesio Tape therapy a few months ago, though not while active or bowling.  Put it on one night and when miracles didn't happen, gave up.  Maybe I will try it again while bowling and see what happens.

Not familiar at all with Biofreeze, but will look into it. 

Thank you!


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Re: uncharacteristic dread about my leagues starting back up
« Reply #22 on: August 28, 2013, 10:38:03 PM »
Yours is actually a unique problem.  While the posts on here are interesting, they
do not relate to you.  First--you must rest.  The hip is an entirely different joint.  It is a ball and socket, while the back, knee, ankle, etc., are not.  Rejuvination requires
entirely different procedure.  There are more muscles that impinge on the hip, and more effects on movement.  You must make sure that any actions that help your hip do not cause compensation injuries somewhere else (knee, ankle, back).  Please consult a physical therapist to acquire excersises that help your condition without going through the surgical fix.  As you did not list your age, this advice would be most advantageous if you are not a senior citizen.  If you are, consult an orthopaedic
surgeon.  Good luck.


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Re: uncharacteristic dread about my leagues starting back up
« Reply #23 on: August 28, 2013, 11:23:16 PM »
Was just about to retire for the night when I saw your post.

I have been to see an orthopedic surgeon (in Hips and Knees), but last saw him very early in the year.  I'm fortunate in that he is not a "cutter" and he told me that while my x-rays show I am clearly a candidate for hip replacement, that if I can get relief from physical therapy, chiropractic adjustment, or just about any other remedy, that there was no need to rush into surgery.

And the exercises prescribed by my Chiropractor did in fact help to the point where I was virtually pain free for a few weeks in March. But then I got reckless and bowled way too many games in a short stretch, and ever since early April have had anywhere from excruciating pain from certain movements to just slight soreness or stiffness (or just constant low level aches and pains) that is barely noticeable----except when trying to sleep, which it interferes with.

I'm kind of at a crossroads now where I am starting to (I THINK) finally see some improvement from the exercises (I was very sporadic with them over the summer), and yet am running out of time to strengthen the muscles enough so that I am pain free before I return to my bowling leagues.

Even before reading your post, I had kind of decided that I need to make another appointment to see the Hip specialist again. I much prefer to rehabilitate myself without surgery (or at least delay it by a few years), but do not want to find out down the road that I'm making things worse at this point by delaying the surgery....  that I'm inadvertently causing more damage.  I don't think that's the case, but it's starting to become a growing concern of mine.

As for my age...I am 57 years old (58 in November), and until last December, I was in better shape than some 30 year-olds, but since December I have felt like an 80 year-old.  I have no shortage of drive or stamina and usually outlast "kids" in their 20's who engage me in a bowling marathon, waiting for me to tire.  Just doesn't happen.  But not being able to walk or get in and out of my car without enduring considerable pain is ----no pun intended----getting old, fast.

Used to tell anyone who would listen that as long as I bowled good, I didn't care if I couldn't walk for 3 weeks afterward.  It's been 9 months now, and I'm no longer making that statement.   :(

Anyway...  thank you nextbowler.  I do plan to follow your advice and see my orthopedic doctor again in the next few weeks.  Even if my pains settle down, I need to discuss with him just how much activity (i.e. bowling) is too much. And if I am still in pain, I need to hear all the alternatives and their respective pros and cons from an expert.