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Author Topic: undecided about this season...  (Read 965 times)


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undecided about this season...
« on: August 18, 2004, 02:20:01 AM »

I still have a couple of weeks before league meetings...and I am undecided about whether to bowl at all.  I've bowled a total of three times since I got back from Wichita, and the hand has hurt all three times (and still hurts more than two months since I last picked up the equipment).  I'm not real thrilled with the prospect of going under the knife to remove the offending bone fragment...I'm too old to want to deal with rehab.  

When I had first broken the hand eighteen months ago, I toyed with the idea of switching to left-handed and even went so far as to get a pair of SST V's so I wasn't stuck using house shoes.  Most of my equipment is drilling relatively mild, including some with the pin in the track, which lended itself to a little stronger LH drill.

For those that have made the switch in earnest, not just a goofing-around-at-glowbowl, how long did it take to reach a level to where you felt proficient?



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Re: undecided about this season...
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2004, 10:36:56 AM »
michelle, message LuckyLefty.....if you don't already know......guess where his name comes from.....
There is doing in not doing


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Re: undecided about this season...
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2004, 11:28:33 AM »
Michelle, I really dont understand your reluctance to have the offending fragnemt removed which would allow you to go back to bowling pain free as opposed to the alternatives---not bowl at all or go thru the misery of trying to learn to bowl the wrong way.

   While most of us do not relish the idea of the knife, there are times when it is not only the only option, but the best option.

   Just how complicated did the surgeon make it sound to restore you to as good as new?

'bones, some of the issue that comes into play with surgery deal with working in the office.  We have grown the practice so much in the past year that I find myself in the office more frequently than ever.  Having the hand in a cast and dealing with physical therapy again is not something I really have the time or patience for.  

After Terre Haute in '03, Kendra made a very astute comment to me that 'bowling is not supposed to hurt.'  She didn't realize just how much vicodin I was taking in order to try and throw without pain.  Having rushed the first period of rehab contributed to getting to where I am now...the bone that broke was in that cluster at the wrist, and it is the resulting scar tissue in there that is continuing to contribute to the pain.

Throughout the past 18 months, I have retained most of the mobility in the wrist, and that is one of the things that the surgeon cannot guarantee will remain.  The fragment may be gone, but with that removal comes the potential of additional harm to nerves and muscle in the area.

My other option, aside from surgery or making the switch, is to lay out for the fall and re-evaluate things in the spring.